2018 General’s Handbook Points: SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | June 27th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Points costs from the 2018 General’s Handbook were just spotted today. Come see how many points your AoS army may cost now in the new edition!

The 2018 General’s Handbook is the only piece of the puzzle that’s still missing for Age of Sigmar 2.0 Second Edition. We know it’s coming but we haven’t seen what could be inside until a small preview this morning.

Games Workshop gave us a detailed overview of key points in the 2018 General’s Handbook.

General’s Handbook 2018 $35.00

generals handbook 2018

New summoning rules, including battle traits, abilities and spells – for Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch, Everchosen, Seraphon, Sylvaneth, and Grand Alliance Chaos allow you to raise unquiet spirits and draw daemonic entities into battle.

Updated Allegiance Abilities – with battle traits, command traits and artefacts of power – allow your armies to act and fight in a way that closely fits the stories you’ve read in Battletomes and other publications – these are included for Darkling Covens, Dispossessed, Free Peoples, Fyreslayers, Seraphon, Wanderers, Brayherd, Slaanesh, Slaves to Darkness, Skaven Pestilens, Skaven Skryre, Flesh-eater Courts, and Ironjawz, with new Warscroll Battalions for the following factions: Fyreslayers, Seraphon, and Ironjawz.

Armies will be able to summon spirits and daemons into the realm to fight alongside them. We don’t know what the risk vs reward is for them just yet. But does that mean there will be new models released for the summoned entities similar to the endless spells?

AoS will also be heading to the fluffy side of things by giving armies battle traits, command traits, and artifacts that fit their fighting style described in the Battletome stories.

MINIWARS has all the points values listed from the book on their site, but let’s look at the Beastclaws in the 2018 General’s Handbook.

Beastclaws in the 2018 General’s Handbook

Beastclaw Raiders will always be the burly bruisers of the tabletop. Having only a handful of models in a 2,000 point game, they can dish out pain and take a lot of punishment. Good news is on the way for Beastclaw fans as they are getting some hefty point reductions.

If you missed our Beastclaw report from earlier, we’ve got it all here from Warhammer Community.

beastclaw 2018

In the light of everyone talking about Beastclaws getting a point reduction. Let’s take a look at a few units.

  • Stonehorn Beastriders: They are down from 360 to 320 points. (-40 pts)
  • Frostlord on Stonehorn & Thundertusk: Are down from 460 to 420 points.  (-40 pts)
  • Huskard on Stonehorn: Went down from 380 to 340 points. (-40pts)
  • Huskard on Thundertusk: Went down from 380 to 360 points. (-20 pts)

Most of the point reductions we’ve seen have reduced by 40 points. GW wasn’t lying when they said they’d be cheaper. You can save over 100 points for 3 models in AoS 2.0 That allows you to take some cannon fodder allies or maybe squeeze in a Warscroll Batallion.

We don’t have any information on what the makeup of Warscroll Battalions will be just yet. But with AoS 2.0 right around the corner, who knows what could get previewed. Stay tuned for more updates.

For all you Beastclaw fans, what do you think about the point reductions? what’s your go-to ally when you play these boys? Do you have any idea what some of the Warscroll Battallions will look like? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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