3 New Stormcast Reclusians Awaken For 4th Edition AoS!

new age of sigmar modelsThe new AoS Stormcast Reclusians have lived numerous lifetimes, and while their memories slip away, they still fight for Sigmar!

The hype for the upcoming 4th Edition of Age of Sigmar is real, and it’s not just because of the promise of exciting new rules; it also means new models to add to your collection! This time, we get to see models showing off the Stormcast’s deterioration over many revives.

The New Stormcast Reclusians Awaken For 4th Edition AoS!

Here is the latest on the Reclusians from Warhammer Community. To keep these warriors grounded, they are joined by distant relatives called Memorians, hopefully giving them some idea of humanity and what they fight for!

Stormcast Reclusians

No more than a handful of reforgings away from losing themselves completely, the Reclusians had been sequestered in quiet contemplation – but the need is too great, the hour too dire for these stalwarts to remain at peace. They are unflinching in battle, striding into the most inhospitable battlefields, their lightning-scoured souls shrugging off the corrupting influence of Chaos.

These new models look pretty amazing, and the lore behind them is also great! The idea of coming back to life so many times that it will eventually take away any humanity you once had is rather bold, and these models are on the brink!

Stormcast Reclusians

After countless reforgings over centuries of service to the God-king, the gift of immortality becomes a curse, and these Stormcasts’ humanity has slowly eroded away. They may have forgotten their old friends and blood relations, their place of origin, or even their own battle-scarred histories. Some may have strange supernatural phenomena manifesting around them, speak with voices of thunder, or have lost their ability to dream of a better life.

With so much experience, we expect them to be super strong in the game with plenty of abilities and damage output.

Stormcast Reclusians

When the Reclusians take up arms, they are accompanied by mortal priests called Memorians, often direct descendants of the Stormcast Eternals themselves. They are an anchoring presence for the Reclusians, ensuring that the precious humanity that grounds them does not slip away in battle.

The Memorians are really cool-looking attendants and add a lot of character to the unit!

It’s exciting to see new models and lore added to the game, and the Reclusians certainly have a unique story to tell. We’re excited to see how they perform on the battlefield and can’t wait for what Games Workshop reveals next for Age of Sigmar 4th Edition!

GW Confirms New AoS Edition, Free Rules & Release Date

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