A New Age of Sigmar FAQ & Rules Update Arrives!

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New Age of Sigmar FAQ’s are here! Come check out what you need to know about the new rules and updates to The General’s Handbook.

Games Workshop has just released the new Age of Sigmar FAQ’s to clear up some questions you may run in to during your wars. Here are a couple examples of what you can expect.
Q: Many Age of Sigmar rules refer to a unit being ‘within’ a certain distance of another unit, or of a location like a table edge. What does ‘within’ mean in this context? Specifically does all of the unit need to be within the stated distance, or just the closest part of the unit?
A: In Warhammer Age of Sigmar, unless specifically stated otherwise a unit is ‘within’ a certain distance of something else as long as the shortest distance between the two units is equal to or less than the stated distance. So, for example, a unit is within 12″ of another unit as long as any model from one unit is 12″ or less from any model from the other unit.
I like to look at this one with the ‘just the tip mindset’. As long as any part of a unit, even just a single model, is within a certain range it counts.
Q: Several abilities allow a unit to make a move ‘as though it were the movement phase’. Does this allow them to make use of abilities or special rules that normally only apply in the movement phase? For example, in the hero phase a unit of Kurnoth Hunters in a Free Spirits Battalion can move as though it were the movement phase. Would this allow them to make use of the Forest Spirits battle trait, where a unit can be transported to the battlefield in the movement phase?
A: No, it does not. All it means is that the move is made as though it were the movement phase, so the distance the unit moves will be based on its Move characteristic, it can’t move within 3″ of an enemy model, it can run and retreat (but if it does so it will have counted as having run or retreated for the rest of the turn), and so on.
Furthermore, abilities that specifically state they can only be used in a certain phase can only be used in that phase and/or their effects will only apply in that phase. So, if an ability says you can use it in your movement phase, it can only be used and its effects will only apply in your movement phase, if it says it can be used in your shooting phase, you can only use it and its effects will only apply in your shooting phase, and so on.
So this clears up a question I’ve ran into already… You can move once per turn, can’t move the same unit twice in one turn, and just allows you to perform the models movement outside of the movement phase. Special abilities that carry the description of being used in the movement phase cannot be used if you are moving a unit outside of the movement phase.
Q: If several units can use the same ability at the same time, must you say how many of them will use the ability before you carry it out? Or could you carry out the ability with one of the units, and wait to see the outcome before deciding whether the next unit uses the ability? For example, hidden Shadowblade Assassins are revealed at the start of the combat phase and then get to pile in and attack. Could I do this for one Assassin before deciding whether to reveal and attack with another one?
A: The latter – you carry out the ability one unit at a time, and can wait to see the result before moving onto the next unit. This means that in the example you could reveal and attack with one Assassin before deciding if you want to do so with any other Assassins.
This is good news for a lot of people. Units with the same ability do not have to use the ability all at once. You’re more than welcome to make a move, use an ability, see how it plays out, then decide if you’re going to do the same with the remainder of the units.
Q: Does your general have to be a Hero in a Pitched Battle? If your general is not a Hero, does he still get access to command traits and artefacts of power?
A: No, your general does not need to be a Hero . If he is not a Hero he may have a command trait but cannot be armed with artefacts of power.
Your general does not need to be a hero. However, your general must be a Hero if you want them to use any kind of artefacts. This one is pretty much right to the point. “That’s all I have to say about that.”
Q: A Shadowblade Assassin that is hiding in a unit is set up at the start of the combat phase, and can then pile in and attack. If several Assassins are revealed at the same time, do they all get to pile in and attack before the enemy picks any units to attack with? And are they allowed to pile in and attack a second time later in the combat phase? What if both sides have Assassins hidden in units?
A: The Assassins are revealed one at a time, and make their attack for that combat phase immediately after they are set up, before any enemy units get to attack. They cannot be selected to attack a second time in the same combat phase. If both players want to reveal Assassins, the player whose turn is taking place reveals their Assassins first.
You are free to reveal and attack immediately with your Assassins, one at a time, before the combat phase. The enemy does not get to counter attack until the combat phase, unless he is also revealing Assassins. You do not, however, get a second attack in the combat phase of the same turn.
There is a lot more to be read in the new FAQ’s. The General’s Handbook, Alliance updates, and The Rules have all been updated, so head on over to Games Workshop and get yourself educated before your next war.

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