All The New Ossiarch Bonereaper Model Kits On the Way!

ossiarch bonereapers

Bonereapers are primed to hit the scene of Age of Sigmar with an entirely-new model line, battletome, and more. Check out the latest on the faction.

We’ve been seeing previews on this faction for quite a while now. However, as we’re just around their corner from their full release it looks like we’ve seen the entire model line revealed including their terrain piece and endless spells. Get caught up on the brand new faction.

Ossiarch Bonereapers Revealed

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These are the Ossiarch Bonereapers – the culmination of centuries of planning by Nagash and the harbingers of his dark reign. Where the Legions of Nagash are the foot soldiers of Death and the Nighthaunt are the shock troops, the Ossiarch Bonereapers are the vanguard of a new order.

These are not risen warriors or malignant spirits – they are bespoke war-constructs forged from harvested bone and gifted the soul animus of great warriors and heroes. Alone, they have hundreds of lifetimes of experience and brutal physical prowess. Unified, they are nigh unstoppable, directed into battle by Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis – perhaps the greatest military strategist (living, or dead) the Mortal Realms have ever known.

Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis

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This is no embittered spirit, arch-schemer of the world-that-was or devoted sycophant, but a terrifying new paragon of unlife itself. Granted a new existence in a body of ensorcelled bone, Orpheon Katakros is Nagash’s plan for the Mortal Realms made manifest

Kicking things off with the head honcho, Katakros is standing similar in size and shape to Xerxes from the “300” movie. He’s a towering bone commander in Nagash’s plans.

Mortek guard

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The Mortek Guard look to be the rank and file unit for the army, coming with wargear you’d expect. Most of them are rocking a sword and board with a banner. (The special weapon of the unit looks to be a two-handed bone sword).

Kavalos Deathriders

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As for the cavalry of the army, the Kavalos Deathriders are going to be the shock-troops. Riding bone constructs of hooved-beasts, these will be an element of speed. Race ahead of the rest of your army with these guys and break the enemy’s morale!

Ossiarch Bonereapers are Also Getting Necromancers

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What seems to be a Lieutenant-role for the army, Necromancers will be a character unit that will help out (in some way). Rules haven’t been revealed yet, but take a look at the level of detail in this guy!

Necropolis Stalkers

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Necropolis Stalkers are twisted constructs made from a whole host of different bones and plates. The super cool thing about these guys is that each one is infused with four souls of legendary warriors from the past. In-game, you’ll be able to shift which one “takes over” swapping out certain rules for others on their datasheet.

The Mortek Crawler is the Artillery of the Army

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Finally, the Mortek Crawler is somewhat akin to the Screaming Skull Catapult from the Fantasy days of Tomb Kings. However, this thing looks WAY….WAY cooler. Looking like a bony centipede, a crew of undead warriors man this thing to fling some kind of magic-infused skulls downrange.

Gothizzar Harvester

Gothizzar Harvester


Gothizzar Harvester 2


Gothizzar Harvester 3

Feast your eyes on this monstrous creation! It’s a Gothizzar Harvester, and (if there was any doubt) it’s a murderous juggernaut of metal and the remnants of monsters and powerful warriors. It doesn’t just smash through enemy units though, it also collects their bones and can even help build new creations in the heat of battle. The kit is festooned with weapon options and a choice of bestial skull options too – we can’t wait to get our hands on it.

Judging by what they’ve mentioned about this bad boy, it would appear that he’s got it all. This giant will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. Not only can we assume his martial prowess due to his weapon options, but it sounds like he’ll even be able to summon more skeletons to the front line to fight alongside him! Of course, we can’t dismiss the kit as the pictures show how unbelievably detailed it is.

Immortis Guard

Immortis GuardThen, behold the Immortis Guard – giant infantry that tower over the rank-and-file Bonereapers. These are the elite guard of the army’s generals and will cut down anything that gets in their way with massive halberds.

These guards are the cream of the crop. Since we already know that the bone reapers, by and large, are made from the bones of fallen enemies, we can assume that their best, will go toe to toe with any other factions best. That is of course if they don’t get spooked off the battlefield first.

Liege-Kavaloi Character Revealed

bonereaper kavaloi 1A dark mirror of the Lord-Celestant on Dracoth, a Liege-Kavalos is the perfect field general for your Ossiarch Bonereapers army, riding up and down the line and making your units even deadlier in close combat.

Taking inspiration of Lord Celestans on Dracoths, these guys are going to be a haunting image to see riding behind the ranks of other masses of the dead on the battlefield.bonereaper kavaloi 2

Katakros is the named big boi Leader of all the Ossiarch Bonereapers. However, the Liege-Kavaloi are going to be fantastic frontline supporting commanders. We don’t know the rules on these guys. However, with a model as cool as this, it’s doubtful it will be one of the lesser units to choose from in the force.

Arch-Kavalos Zandtos

bonereaper kavalos zandtos 1Patru Zandtos was Katakros’ most trusted general in life. Once a professional assassin, now he is a relentless and savage killer focused on the “purification” of Shyish. Built from the same kit as the Liege-Kavalos, he’s the ideal choice if you’re looking for a fast and brutal Ossiarch Bonereapers force! 

bonereaper kavalos zandtos 2Zandtos is coming loaded with all sorts of grim detail. It’ll be exciting to see how his “assassin” role in life will play over into death. Maybe he’ll be a character-killing monster in close combat. Maybe his sword will be able to do D6 mortal wounds once per game. Similar to Nurgle’s Harbinger of Decay.

Mortisan Soulmason Hero Revealed

ossiarch bonereaper mortisan soulmason

Mortisan Soulmason might sound a little like a named character. However, that’s just the type of unit this Hero is.  His job lore-wise is to scour the realms for only the best souls to pack into a skeletal husk. Stormcasts are formed of one soul, while this guy is charged with getting a handful of the best and then bringing them back to un-life in one body.

This is a Mortisan Soulmason – one of the strange and sinister heroes who command the Ossiarch Bonereapers in battle. Like Stormcast Eternals, Ossiarch warriors are formed from the souls of the fallen in the Mortal Realms – but where any given Stormcast warrior is made from a single soul, each Ossiarch is formed from a rich blend of harvested soul-stuff, combined from dozens or even hundreds of different sources to make the perfect warrior.

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It’s the Mortisan Soulmasons who are responsible for overseeing this process, working with a butcher’s precision and ruthlessness to find the very best spirits for their dark work.

Clues to How Mortisan Soulmasons Will Play In-Game

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No rules have been spotted on the Mortisan Soulmasons. However, WHC did give us a clue as to how the guy would be used. Apparently, he’ll be helping out with the Mortek Crawlers. He may be a Hero you want to keep one or two of in the backfield with your artillery line while the rest of your skele-bois move up. Whether it comes down to the increased range, damage, or may a table to roll on, the model looks great.

Bone-Tithe Nexus Terrain Piece

With a first clear image on the factions’ terrain piece, this was first spotted in a blurry shot out of a book, showing some of the rules translated from Spanish.

Bone-tithe nexus

While it’s in Spanish, some have taken to the internet to translate what it says. It looks like it’ll have four different effects in-game being:

  • Punishment of Lethargy (Castigo de Letargo): Choose a unit wholly within 18″ and fully visible. Roll a die, on a 4+ that unit cannot run until your next hero phase, in addition, they may only roll 1D6 to charge instead of 2D6 until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Death (Castigo de Muerte): Deal 1 mortal wound on a 2+ to an enemy unit within 36″.
  • Punishment of Ignorance (Castigo de Ignorancia): Choose an enemy Wizard within 36″ and on a 2+ subtract 1 to casting rolls, shooting, and unbinding until your next hero phase.
  • Punishment of Pain (Castigo de Dolor): Choose an enemy unit wholly within 18 and on a 4+, they must subtract 1 to their hit rolls until your next hero phase.

Ossiarch Bonereapers Endless Spells

ossiarch bonereaper endless spells

You’ll also be able to harness the malevolent magics of the Ossiarch Bonereapers with a new set of endless spells. These sinister sorceries can be cast by any Ossiarch Bonereapers Wizard as well as Nagash and Arkhan, and add new tactical options to your army.

Going off of cosmetics alone, it looks like the endless spell of the bird ripping the soul out of the body might have a healing/resurrection affect in-game. As for the four-faced skull, it’s extremely similar to the spooky head of Nagash introduced in Forbidden Power:

Forbidden Power

Forbidden Power spells

Overall, it looks like we’ve finally seen the full extent of the Ossiarch Bonereapers’ force to start with. We’re just waiting on more and more rules to give us a clearer idea of how the faction will play. With them being aligned with Death, we’re sure to see some kind of FNP or resurrection rules turn up.

What do you think of the faction so far? Do you think they’ll have a heavy-spellcasting presence? Will Katakros be a Wizard? How many points will he be?

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