Amazing Painted Silver Tower Showcase Begs Us To Play Again

silver tower

Welcome back Warhammer Fanatics!  Today Rob has an amazing fully painted Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower kit for us to enjoy!

This fantastic set for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is brought to us by the amazing painters over at Top Miniature Studios!  These guys did a killer job making each model stand out wonderfully!

Silver Tower Glamour 1

These Tzaangors look like they came straight out of the box art!  Accompanying them are some killer Blue and Brimstone Horrors.

Silver Tower Glamour 5The nontraditional turquoise look really makes these Blue horrors stand out from the crowd!  Backing them up are some awesome Tzeentchian Sorcerers and cultists.

Silver Tower Glamour 4

The tattoos on the Ogroid Thaumaturge are absolutely killer!  and the detail on the book held by the Tzeentch summoner is truly awesome!

Silver Tower Glamour 3

That Stormcast Eternal looks like he jumped off the box cover!  Backing him up are the gorgeously painted Mistweaver Saih and Tenebrael Shard.Silver Tower Glamour 2

Check out the whole video below, and be sure to visit Top Miniature studios for all your commission painting needs.