Are Free Peoples, Bretonnians & Tomb Kings Next For AoS?

By Wesley Floyd | May 7th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Could more humans start to take a stand for their territories in Age of Sigmar? What factions would you like to see hit the table next?

You might have heard about the rumors of Free People getting a battletome. What about the other older fantasy factions? Besides 2.0 versions of existing battletomes, would you like to see more regular humans as a faction come back into AoS? Could Tomb Kings stay outside of Nagash’s reign?

Remember: This is just a “what if” post. We’re going off of rumors of Free Peoples returning in a new way, which could, in theory, lead to more “human” factions as well.

Where Are We in AoS?

aos wal hor stormcast sigmar

To give you the real quick thirty-second history on Age of Sigmar, essentially Chaos ruled the lands and the gods took whatever they wanted. The human civilizations were shattered and broken. Then, all of the sudden Stormcast Eternals dropped in and smacked Chaos back and took lands for good. Now, people are starting to rebuild civilization and restore order.

So now that time has gone by, should we start to see the blacksmiths in town starting to make some decent weapons and armor? Will more human factions come after the Free People (assuming the rumors are true?)

beastclaw 1

As of right now, there aren’t as many cavalry units in AoS. Sure, there are mounts for the Stormcasts, Idoneth, and Beastclaw Raiders, but we’re talking about the classic horseback!

Bretonnians V2 Would Be Cool


While Bretonnians might not exactly be a faction in AoS after the human population settled back down, but that still doesn’t close the window to seeing the classic Knight on horseback hit the game. After all, a dude with a t-shirt and crossbow can only do so much (sorry Free People).


Classic Bretonnian Knights from Fantasy

These guys would more than likely be used as a fast shock troop-type army. While most factions have mounts for their characters, this faction’s specialty could be horsemanship and have exclusive rules on charging into combat. (We think it’s a neat idea).

Would Tomb Kings Still Make Sense?

tomb kings titan

With Nagash in the picture and more powerful than ever, would Tomb Kings still make sense? They are still technically “dead” but they have a fighting style completely unique to the faction like Nighthaunt. All of the Tomb Kings models are old (just like the Bretonnians) and both factions could use an update if GW decided to start blowing the dust off of older factions.

What faction would you like to see come back in a new way? Would a cavalry-focused army like Knights on Horseback bring you into the game? If GW decided to revive an old faction, what kind of units would we see? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.