How Big Is it? Grundstock Gunhauler Unboxing

By Juan Lopez | May 1st, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Kharadron Overlords small

This unit for the Kharadron Overlords may be small but do not let it fool you. Come take a look at how useful it can be!

Today we are unboxing the new Grundstok Gunhauler; a two man ship that is 220 points of a well designed mix of a fast ship and ship of the line on one sprue. Lot’s of detail are present and since the endrin sacks are hollow, you can LED them out for further customization.


Although for 220 points, it does appear to be rather underwhelming. Aside from their deflecting ability which allows them to absorb some the wounds intended for the larger ships, they do not have much going for them. However, that is not to say that aren’t combos and tactics that will have this unit showing its full potential.


Grundstok Gunhauler: $50

Grundstok Gunhauler

Grundstok Gunhaulers streak through the air, weaving between the larger Arkanaut craft. They are two-duardin vessels tasked with eliminating threats before they have a chance to endanger the ships under their care. In this the Grundstok Gunhaulers are ideal, for they are fast and agile craft, being little more than a gun platform carried aloft by a buoyancy endrin. Their speed and agility, and their ability to deliver firepower at a moment’s notice, make them invaluable additions to every prospector’s arsenal.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Grundstok Gunhauler. Small and agile, it features as a main armament a choice of sky cannon or drill cannon. Two duardin crew the Gunhauler: a pilot who stands at a large rack of arcane instruments, and a gunner who controls the aethershot carbine, fragmentations charges, detonation drills and belaying valves used to gently dissuade enemies from getting too close to the main fleet.

Despite its relatively diminutive size, the Grundstok Gunhauler is covered in detail: ailerons and rudders to steer it, duardin faceplates on the prow and dirigible, and a host of pipes, valves and propellors giving it a truly industrial feel. There’s even an anchor swaying gently from the side.

This model comes in 50 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 105mm Oval base, and 50mm ball and socket flying stem.

Be sure to check out our unboxing and review of the Grundstok Gunhauler!

For more on the Grundstok Gunhauler and everything Kharadron Overlords, visit Games Workshop!