How Big is Morathi, The Shadow Queen? Unboxing & Build

By Juan Lopez | March 5th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Morathi Post

The wait is over for the latest Age of Sigmar release from Games Workshop. Come check out Morathi, the grand matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine!

Part of this week’s Daughters of Khaine releases from Games Workshop is the brand new Morathi kit. Our very own Rob Baer got his hands on this fresh new kit that features Morathi in her she-aelf form and in her terrifying form of the Shadow Queen. This kit is on his paint bench to provide you the full breakdown of what you can expect to find inside.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down!

Morathi Sprue

The Morathi kit is quite impressive. It is retailing for $130 but does contain two Morathi models. Her Shadow Queen form is simply impressive and Rob does assemble it for this review. More on that later. This contains two sprues that hold Morathi’s High Oracle and monstrous Shadow Queen forms. The High Oracle miniature will assemble quite easily and has a great base detail that goes on top of the included 40mm base or your own custom base. The Shadow Queen is a beast with great being needed when assembling her serpent coils. They assemble in sections which give it a great organic pose. One of her wings will be assembled using three pieces to give it that curve that we see. Both models have a fantastic amount of detail which Rob enjoyed as he assembled this kit.

Morathi assembled

Here she is in her fully assembled glory. Rob was truly impressed with how clever Games Workshop is with her design and assembly. When you sit down to work on this kit, do be careful when you are putting the foundation of the tail together. The section can end up off kilter and affect the rest of the serpent coil that leads into Morathi’s torso. If this does happen, do not worry as Morathi’s robes do drape over the seam lines when you attach them. The one major drawback to this kit is that it cannot be painted in sections then assembled. Another issue you will encounter is that the model will not be flush when you connect to the scenic base detail. It will be leaning and has her tail, the pillar, and the weight of the model itself holding it in position.

Rob has several size comparisons and more tips for you in his full review video below!

Morathi: $130

A creature of magic, manipulation and secrets, the High Oracle of Khaine, the Shadow Queen and grand matriarch of the Daughters of Khaine, Morathi is an ancient being, a seeress unmatched in her mastery of dark magics. In addition to being able to summon the horrors of the nightshade-realm, she has used her spells to morph into a comely form – a radiant she-aelf framed by outstretched wings wrought of shadow-metal. So great is her supernatural beauty that foes stand mesmerised by her rapturous allure. This is a fatal mistake, for Morathi wields her spear Heartrender with cruel efficiency, and her bladed pinions are themselves razor-sharp weapons that can easily lop limbs and heads.

This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Morathi. She comes as 2 different miniatures, both of which are included: the High Oracle of Khaine, her aelven form, and The Shadow Queen, her true, monstrous form. The High Oracle of Khaine is an icily beautiful figure, wearing ornate leather and metal armour. In a gloved hand she holds her magical spear, Heartrender, pointing it toward an unseen enemy. Behind a large, metal headdress, her long, serpentine hair cascades down her back – upon closer inspection, this is laced with wicked barbs and blades. Her wings fan out from her back, dripping with blood from every point.

The Shadow Queen is another prospect entirely – standing almost 3 times taller and posed in a far more aggressive manner, this miniature will make a splendid centrepiece for any Daughters of Khaine collector. In this form, her furious serpentine aspect dominates, with the lower half of her body given over to a long, sinister snake-form which coils and twists around a massive stone column. Her top half wears the same armour, with the same headdress and Heartrender – but her hair has been replaced by snakes, and the wings have become expansive and scaly, with huge chitinous points ready to impale the unwary. The base features an unfortunate aelf, turned to stone and broken in half by Morathi’s gaze.

Morathi comes as 59 components, and is supplied with a Citadel 100mm Round base and a Citadel 40mm Round base.

The Morathi kit is available now online and in local Games Workshop stores. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty review video below for the full product breakdown.

For more on Morathi, the Daughters of Khaine, and all things Age of Sigmar, visit Games Workshop!