All the LVO 2022 Events, Armies, & Games Coverage

All-the-LVO-2022-Events,-Armies,-Games-&-Vendors-CoverageHere’s everything from the 2022 Las Vegas Open- check out the events, armies, games, and vendors coverage from the LVO!

The 2022 Las Vegas Open had hobbyists from all over the country stop in and show off their most beautifully painted armies. We’ve got everything below in our coverage of how it looked to actually attend the event, to the people, armies, and vendors that made this LVO event one of the best yet!

Look for more in-depth LVO coverage and features coming soon for each of these hobby masterpieces we spotted below!

Coverage of all the Las Vegas Open 2022 Events, Armies, Games & LVO Vendors

Here is a quick preview of some of the armies, games, and all the events from the convention itself.

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Here’s some of the other wargames tables and armies as well from LVO 2022.

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LVO 2022Team Yankee also showed up strong with a ton of players!

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Blood Bowl also had a ton of amazing teams, tons of players, and just super cool!

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LVO 2022The Titans were plentiful in the 30k mega battle. If you want to see some giant minis hit the board and wreck themselves, this is the battle to check out!

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For all you LOTR lovers out there, plenty of different armies hit the field to win the day for Middle Earth!

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The terrain was crazy at nearly every game and some of the feature tables really took it over the top!

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While there wasn’t a ton of cosplay, the people who did dress up really did it in style!

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AoS also had a really strong show of support and some insane armies.

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LVO 2022Last but not least, the Marvel Crisis Protocol people really came out in force!

LVO 2022Obviously, there are also a ton of vendor booths from some awesome companies!

These LVO 2022 40k Imperial Armies are Just Insane!

LVO 2022The Sisters of Battle watch on as the world burns! Well, they probably helped burn it down because of all the heretics, but that’s what they deserve!

LVO 2022Just look at that OSL from every angle! This is one of the best thought-out armies we’ve seen as everything fits perfectly on this board and the light source is just insanely consistent!

LVO 2022The diorama of this one is just awesome and the face on the left is just so cool!

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LVO 2022The Grey Knights showed up strong!

LVO 2022This paint scheme has to be one of our favorites!

LVO 2022So much cool OSL all over the place!

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LVO 2022These Marines were hot on the hunt for some deadly bugs, but they look to have the numbers advantage!

LVO 2022You know things are serious when you break out the wolves!

LVO 2022You know things are getting serious when you break out this many knights! And remember, the bell tolls for thee!

LVO 2022This is a really cool Admech force with plenty of infantry and fliers!

LVO 2022This army is really aiming to bring the pain along with an awesome paint job!

LVO 2022There were plenty of Marines represented and of course, the Blood Angels wouldn’t let their brother do all the fighting for them!

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LVO 2022The Deathwatch showed up to join the fun and hunt down those Xenos players!

LVO 2022Obviously, the poster boys of 40k had to make an appearance and show their stuff!

Top Painted 40k Xenos Armies From LVO 2022

The 2022 Las Vegas Open had players from all over the country stop in and show off their most beautifully painted armies. On the Xenos side of things, they clearly put in a ton of work and really made some awesome armies for the tournament!

LVO 2022Da Orks are here to krump some ‘Umies! If you are afraid to fight, the Orks will beat you every time.

LVO 2022This Eldar army really brought the pain, and when they coming fling out of that gate, the enemy will fall!

LVO 2022These Orks took the split level approach to their madness, and it seems to be working.

LVO 2022These Necrons were all about the elite unit style, nothing wrong with only having to cart around a few minis.

LVO 2022As we expected, the Dark Eldar had a strong presence this time around and this Coven list is looking for some new text subjects.

More 3d Printers On Sale From Anycubic Right Now!Click Here To Get Your New 3d Printer!

LVO 2022There was also plenty of Eldar support right before the new codex.

LVO 2022The Harlequins also had to make their presence felt and try to get their dance on.

LVO 2022Obviously, the guns of the Tau never tire in their pursuit of the Greater Good.

LVO 2022The Nids didn’t have the most support, but of course, some of the bugs had to show up and show the world who is boss!

LVO 2022Last but not least this magnetized monster showed up to support the Eldar cause!

Over the Top Age of Sigmar Armies At LVO 2022

The 2022 Las Vegas Open had players from all over the country stop in and show off their most beautifully painted armies. Even at over 500 players in the AoS championship, there was as still a ton of amazing hobby effort to be had.

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Bonesplittaz via Blaed Deuel

The LVO Long War 40k Doubles Players & Armies Were Amazing!

If you love gaming with a friend, the LVO Long War 40k Doubles tourney was the place for you to be, check out the action!

With tons of different games, players, and just so much going on, LVO 2022 is super fun, but the doubles tourney might be the most fun, as you get to play with a friend! There were over 300 players and a ton of awesome armies.

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LVO 2022There was a ton of awesome armies and players competing in this awesome team tourney.

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There were also a lot of matching outfits and some pretty cool costumes brought to bear at the tournament.

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The armies were also super varied with most factions represented in a strong fashion.

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Who knows how they turned these marines to the Greater Good, but they did!

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There were also some really cool armies that pitted classic rivals in a new fashion, as they fought alongside each other, but against each other on the display boards.

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Plenty of teams showed up in team jerseys and such to really show their team pride.

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It’s always nice to see Chaos well represented at tournaments.

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However, there were plenty of armies that came as a single faction to destroy some Xenos.

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As always, the knights showed up to stomp the foes of the Imperium out!

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LVO 2022This team even got matching tattoos to commemorate the event! Pretty epic if you ask us!

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If any of these features are your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT spikeybits.com

Vendor Hall & Booths at LVO 2022!

Here is a quick preview of some of the companies that were on hand at the event in the LVO 2022 vendor hall. Look for more in-depth features coming soon for each of these great companies!

The Army Painter

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They were showing off how well the new Speedpaints work by painting up an entire Ork army with the attendees! Just like this awesome little guy here doing a great job (the kid, not Adam, but he’s doing okay as well).

Don’t forget Speedpaint goes on sale soon. Pre-order yours at your local retailer OR the Army Painter web store by clicking here.

Monument Hobbies

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LVO 2022They brought a ton of awesome paints, models, swag, bags, and gear! If you need to grab some new paints, they are a great booth to check out for all sorts of hobby supplies. Click here to check out their web store!

Squad Marks

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LVO 2022Not only did they bring a ton of awesome stuff from their normal line, but they also brought along their new Kickstarter project to show off to the convention! It’s super cool, magnetic, and fits an entire table of terrain into one box.

Click here to pledge now for this dope terrain set!

Pop Goes the Monkey

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LVO 2022They brought a ton of awesome bits along with some miniatures painted by Kenny from Next Level Painting, Iron Wolf Minis bits to show off, and more!

Now that you have them it in person, click here to see all the amazing conversion bits and whole kits you can order from Pop Goes the Monkey!

Click on the Las Vegas Open coverage links below to see the rest of LVO 2022!

Click Here to Attend FLG’s Cherokee Open In February!

Did you go to the 2022 Las Vegas Open- if you didn’t which event or army was your favorite from this year’s LVO coverage? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.