Here is what to buy next for your AoS Christmas Battleforces to make a full 2000 points army for the rest of the box sets.
We are back with the final three-holiday boxes that Games Workshop released for Age of Sigmar this past holiday season. If you were good enough for the Red Gobbo to leave one of these AoS Battleforces under the tree this year, here are some ways to build your army to 2000 points.
Let’s look at what we can add to get you there in what to buy next for your AoS Battleforces. Get the latest on all the new Warhammer Christmas Battleforces for 2022 by clicking below!
- What We Know About New 2022 Battleforces So Far
- Age of Sigmar Battleforces Value
- Warhammer 40k Battleforces Value
- Expanding Your AoS Battleforces to a Full 2000 Points Army
Expanding the AoS Battleforces to a Full 2000 Points Army Part 2
If you received the Daughters of Khaine, Gloomspite Gitz, Nighthaunt, or Orruk Warclan boxes, you can check those out here. Today we will finish with the Skaven, Stormcast Eternals, and Sylvaneth boxes.
AoS Holiday Battleforces Skaven: The Verminous Host
Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link
- Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: 335 Points, Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
- Warlock Bombardier: 115 Points, Leader 2 of 6
- Grey Seer: 100 Points, Leader 3 of 6
- 3 Stormfiends: 320 Points, No Unit Type
- 40 Clanrats: 200 Points, Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 3
- 20 Plague Monks: 180 Points, No Unit Type, Reinforcement 2 of 3
- 20 Plague Monks: 180 Points, No Unit Type, Reinforcement 3 of 3
- Total 1455 Points
This has quite a bit of models in a single box set, coming in at over half the total you need for a 2000-point army; however, to get the plague monks to become battleline, we are going to need to focus on another Skaven Nurgle hero so that they both count as battleline.
A great option would be one of the big baddies themselves, a Verminlord Corruptor Then, for a final touch of Nurgle, we will add a Plague claw to your army.
So, it looks something like this:
- Plague Priest on Plague Furnace: 335 Points, Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
- Warlock Bombardier: 115 Points, Leader 2 of 6
- Grey Seer: 100 Points, Leader 3 of 6
- Verminlord Corruptor: 350 Points, Leader 4 of 6
- 3 Stormfiends: 320 Points, No Unit Type
- 40 Clanrats: 200 Points, Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 3
- 20 Plague Monks: 180 Points, No Unit Type, Reinforcement 2 of 3
- 20 Plague Monks: 180 Points, No Unit Type, Reinforcement 3 of 3
- Plagueclaw: 135 Points, Artillery 1 of 4
- Total 1940 Points
With this army’s unit sizes, it will be a little difficult to move stuff around using the Gnawholes, but it is still possible. It is a different take from the Stormfiend spam lists you’re used to seeing, though it does require a lot of painting (hat is a lot of Rats.)
Only needing two more kits outside the main box is nice, so once you churn through the main box, you’re close to the finish line. For the final 60 points, add on an endless spell, I kind of like the Horrghast here to stack with the Plagueclaw for a bravery bomb that could catch your opponent off guard.
Stormcast Eternals: Thunderstrike Spearhead
Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link
- Knight Relictor: 120 Points, Leader 1 of 6, No Unit Type
- Knight Draconis: 300 Points, Leader 2 of 6
- 3 Annihilators: 180 Points, No Unit Type
- 10 Vanquishers: 220 Points, Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 3
- 10 Vigilors: 340 Poi,nts, No Unit Type, Reinforcement 2 of 3
- 1 Stormdrake Guard: 170 Points, No Unit Type
- Total 1160 Points
At over half your army, this is a great starting point to kick off your Stormcast Eternals army list. The cheapest way to move this into a 2000-point army would be to find a Dominion half which is super cheap on eBay or Facebook marketplace groups as the market is flooded with them.
They will also fill out the entire other half of your army, making it look something like this.
- Knight Relictor: 120 Points, Leader 1 of 6, No Unit Type
- Knight Draconis: 300 Points, Leader 2 of 6
- Knight Arcanum: 120 Points, Leader 3 of 6
- Knight Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis: 160 Points, Leader 4 of 6
- Yndrasta: 280 Points, Leader 5 of 6
- Lord – Important: 175 Points, Leader 6 of 6
- 3 Annihilators: 180 Points, No Unit Type
- 3 Annihilators: 180 Points, No Unit Type
- 3 Praetors: 145 Points, No Unit Type
- 10 Vanquishers: 220 Points, Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 3
- 10 Vigilors: 340 Points, No Unit Type, Reinforcement 2 of 3
- 5 Vindictors: 130 Points, Battleline 2 of 3
- 5 Vindictors: 130 Points, Battleline 3 of 3
- 1 Stormdrake Guard: 170 Points, No Unit Type
- Total 2495 Points
These two boxes give you a ton of options to mess around with, and it’s super cheap. A quick eBay search found that the Dominion half is going for about 40-50 bucks shipped on the current marketplace. This will let you play around with your army and tweak it to suit your needs, then add bits and pieces here and there as needed.
It may not be optimized, but with the new Generals Handbook right around the corner, it will let you tweak lists and mess around with the various sub-factions until you find something that suits your place style.
AoS Holiday Battleforces Sylvaneth: Revenant Wargrove
Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link
- Drycha Hamadreth: 335 Points, Leader 1 of 6
- Spirit of Durthu: 370 Points, Leader 2 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
- Treelord Ancient: 360 Points, Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 2 of 4
- 10 Tree Revenants: 220 Points, Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 3
- 10 Dryads (6 more come with the box): 100 Points, Battleline 2 of 3
- Total 1385 Points
Coming in at well over half your army, this is a great starting point for any Sylvaneth army. The big trees and Drycha are used in most lists, while the Tree Revenants are a very good mobile battleline unit for this army. The Dryads are not often used, but they are cheap battlelines and can be a good anvil or screen unit for your opponent to chew through.
To add on, I think all you need is a Vanguard Sylventh box which will get you to the 2000 points. If you choose Oakenbrow as your sub-faction, you can build the Treelord and use him as your third battleline, or if you want to go a different one, you can split up the; while Revenants and get your battleline groups that way.
You can also choose how to build your hunters that come with the box; while I have always been a fan of the great bows, the scythes and swords are cool options as well.
Here is what your final army will look like with these two boxes.
- Drycha Hamadreth: 335 Points, Leader 1 of 6
- Spirit of Durthu: 370 Points, Leader 2 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
- Treelord Ancient: 360 Points, Leader 3 of 6, Behemoth 2 of 4
- Branchwych: 130 Points, Leader 4 of 6
- Treelord: 260 Points, No Unit Type, Behemoth 3 of 4
- 10 Tree Revenants: 220 Points, Battleline 1 of 3, Reinforcement 1 of 3
- 10 Dryads (6 more come with the box): 100 Points, Battleline 2 of 3
- 5 Tree Revenants: 110 Points, Battleline 3 of 3
- 3 Kurnoth Hunter with Greatbows: 230 Points, No Unit Type
- Total 2115 Points
If you build the Treelord as another Spirit of Durthu, or Treelord Ancient, the point value for this army is even more; you need to think about how you want to run this army before you build your box. But the value of the two boxes is no joke; it is slightly off-putting, however, since you will need to go out and buy all the Wyldwood Trees needed for the army, which will cost you a bit.
There you have the last three AoS Christmas Battleforces and how you can affordably add to them to hit your 2000 points army mark. Hopefully, you and your loved ones had a wonderful holiday season, and I hope you roll many sixes in the new year!
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