Age of Sigmar 4e Gloomspite Gitz Review: Army Guide & Rules

AOS Age of Sigmar gloomspite gitz wal hor rules

Here’s a look at how to play the new Gloomspite Gitz for 4th Edition Age of Sigmar as we run down the latest rules and updates.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar is getting a shiny new 4th edition, and Games Workshop is dropping some exciting updates for all the factions, too! The new rules are here, and boy, are they bringing some wild changes to these squig-riding, fungus-loving, and downright chaotic Gitz!

Age of Sigmar 4th Edition Gloomspite Gitz Review: Army Guide & Rules

Here is the latest on the Gloomspite Gitz rules for the 4th Edition Age of Sigmar from Warhammer Community.

Gloomspite Gitz Rules

Banded together under the eerie glow of the Bad Moon—a mysterious, magical planetoid that drifts unpredictably across the Mortal Realms—the Gloomspite Gitz are all about chaos and carnage. These raucous hordes are joined by grotesque troglodytes, who slither, bounce, and lumber out of the depths to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

  • The Bad Moon provides buffs to the Gloomspite Gitz, including increased confidence for grots, enhanced abilities for squigs, tougher troggoth hordes, and more potent spider venom.
  • Players can command various formations such as Squigalanche, Spiderfang Riders, resilient herds of troggoths, and legions of frenzied grots.
  • Gitz Shamans have powerful spells like Sneaky Distraction, which imposes a -1 penalty on hit rolls of enemy units within 12″ of the caster.
  • Notable units include Skragrott the Loonking, Gobbapalooza, Squig Herd, and Bad Moon Loonshrine, each with unique abilities and roles in battle.
  • The Bad Moon’s movements can be influenced, and it provides buffs when positioned at the center, showering enemies with loonshards.
  • Herding Squigs is a perilous occupation, and the heavily armored Squig Herder plays a crucial role in keeping the Cave Squigs under control.
  • The Bad Moon Loonshrine emits a powerful lunar energy aura that can restore destroyed units for a single Command Point.

AoS 4th Edition Gloomspite Gitz Rules

Battle Traits

Gloomspite Gitz Rules 2

The Bad Moon’s origins are a bit of a mystery, but its devoted followers love soaking up its eerie glow for some awesome buffs. When the moon’s around, grots get confident, squigs bounce higher and faster, troggoth hordes toughen up, and spider venom gets extra potent. Basically, you want your crew under that moon for major power-ups. Roll those dice right, and you’ll be riding high on constant buffs!

Battle Formations

Gloomspite Gitz Rules 3Few creatures are as destructively delightful as squigs. These ferocious beings are basically massive mouths with legs and an insatiable appetite. They range from tiny to enormous and are always ready for a scrap. Players can command a Squigalanche, an unstoppable swarm of bouncing red brutes that get extra attacks when charging.

You can also lead swarms of Spiderfang Riders, resilient herds of troggoths, and legions of frenzied grots. Choose your chaos flavor and go wild!

Arcana & Incantations

Gloomspite Gitz Rules 4

The Glootmspite Gitz Shamans are known for their ability to invoke the power of Gorkamorka to crush their enemies, but they are also skilled in the art of scheming. One of their favorite spells is Sneaky Distraction, which is part of the Lore of the Clammy Dank.

This spell involves a chaotic display of screaming, dancing, and magical effects that serve as a perfect distraction. It causes a -1 penalty to the hit rolls of attacks made by enemy units within 12″ of the caster, making it especially useful when facing opponents with weak armor and limited defensive capabilities.

4th Edition AoS Gloomspite Gitz Rules Warscrolls

Skragrott the Loonking

Gloomspite Gitz Rules 5

Skragrott, through his command of captured mages and seers’ predictions, possesses the ability to influence the movements of the Bad Moon. Utilizing The Loonking’s Entreaty, he can momentarily halt its progress. His unique spell, Fangz of Da Bad Moon, causes the moon to shower nearby enemies with loonshards (which is super strong when it moves to the center and buffs everything). In the event of an unsuccessful assault, he can rely on his Babbling Wand to ensure a swift 4” Redeploy for himself or his allies.


Gloomspite Gitz Rules 6

The mark of a true Bossgrot is having a Gobbapalooza at their beck and call. This rowdy bunch consists of loon-priests and shamans with a wide array of talents, using their Gobbapalooza Know-Wotz to great advantage in combat.

The Glareface Dance rallies allies to charge into battle, Nasty Poisons give the small grots unexpected strength, and Boogleyes can mesmerize enemies, causing them to forget their combat skills.

Squig Herd

Gloomspite Gitz Rules 7

Herding Squigs is an extremely perilous occupation. The heavily armored Squig Herder plays a crucial role in keeping the Cave Squigs under control, using fresh meat as bait to lure them into battle.

Even after being defeated, Squigs Gone Wild can continue to cause harm by attacking, resulting in fatal injuries before finally perishing. Despite their ferocity, they lack battlefield insight and can only be controlled up to a maximum score of 1.

Bad Moon Loonshrine

Gloomspite Gitz Rules 8Atop the Moonclan Lair sits the mystical effigy of Da Bad Moon, emitting a powerful 12″ aura of lunar energy. This aura can restore destroyed units (at half the size) for just a single Command Point. Talk about getting your moon’s worth!

With these updates from Games Workshop, there’s a lot to look forward to. Get ready to command the wild and unpredictable warriors of the Gloomspite Gitz and unleash some moonlit mayhem!

Skaventide & Guide To 4th Edition Warhammer AoS Rules Changes Release Date

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!