Gloomspite Gitz Get New Battalion Rules In WD #455

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playGloomspite Gitz are getting a surprising amount of new rules inside the August White Dwarf- check out the details on the Moon-Jumper Stampede.

Warhammer Community hyped up White Dwarf #455 showcasing a new Warscroll Battalion for the Gloomspite Gitz. Get ready to break out your Squigs because they just got really good.

Gloomspite Gitz Get New Battalion Rules In WD #455

white dwarf 455We knew that something called the Tome Celestial: Jaws of Mork was on the way for August’s issue of the White Dwarf but it wasn’t made clear what it definitely was. Well, GW just revealed the details! It’s a brand-spankin’ new Warscroll Battalion that spams Squigs.

One of the coolest aspects of the regular Tome Celestial series is that, in addition to introducing the deep lore of a particular faction in never-before-seen detail, they actually provide you with unique rules that allow you to replicate everything you’ve just read about on the battlefield! OK, so maybe not literally jumping over the Bad Moon part in this case, but they’re clearly trying – check out the Moon-jumper Stampede warscroll battalion that features in the article.

The Moon-Jumper Stampede

moon-jumper stampedeThe Jaws of Mork looks like a Squig focused sub-faction of the Gloomspite Gitz that are getting their own Warscroll Battalion. The Battalions for Squigs int he Gloomspite Gitz Battletome aren’t bad themselves. But this new one is super useful.

We don’t know the points needed to purchase the Battalion but all you need is 2-3 units of Squig Hoppers or Bounders and 0-1 Mangler Squigs. What you get is +1 damage on all the Squig mouths after they charge. To put that into perspective, a single squad of 10 Squig Hoppers is getting twenty 2-damage attacks. A Mangler Squig with that buff is getting four attacks at D6+1 damage.

The main benefit is essentially doubling the damage on all the little Squig bodies. That opens the door to the capability of one-shotting pretty much any Stormcast Eternal on-foot unit.

But that’s not the only Battalion coming inside the White Dwarf. Warhammer Community also mentioned the Moon-Biter Squigalanche.

There are loads more rules included too, with another warscroll battalion, the Moon-biter Squigalanche (complete with points values for using them in matched play), Jaws of Mork command abilities and more. Cool, huh?

Look for more when the new White Dwarf hits shelves shortly!

With two new Battalions coming to the Gloomspite Gitz, are you about ready to break out your Squigs? What’s your favorite Squig unit to use on the tabletop?

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