GW Announces Even More Skaven: New MTO Releases

By Wesley Floyd | February 25th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Clans Pestilens skaven wal hor AoS 2.0 Taking Skaven Clan Pestilens to 2000 Points

New Skaven are inbound once again as Games Workshop announced a smattering of new MTO releases that cover the last 30 years of models!

Warhammer Community previewed new Skaven Made To Order (MTO) releases, along with new rules updates on Warhammer Legends.

Skaven are one of the oldest factions dating back to Warhammer Fantasy. Though Skaven just got a much-needed rules update, you can now order classic models from the past to use in your army.  Here’s what you have to choose from!

Blast From the Past: Skaven Made to Order Lineup!

If you’re a true Skaven fan, but you find yourself missing some of the classic heroes from the Skaven faction, you’ll be able to polish off your collection!

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Queek Headtaker

Fan of Clan Verminus? You’ll be able to snatch up Queek and bully some Dwarves around just to keep up with his lore.

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Thanquol and Boneripper

Before Thanquol and Boneripper got their models updated into one huge character, these guys used to run around on separate bases! Sculpting has definitely come a long way. Will you use these models over the big nasty one we have now?

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Ikit Claw

Ikit was the mad scientist from back in the day. Now, he’s just an Arch-Warlock. Plus, this model is way cooler than the one we have now. If you play Skryre, you may want to snag this guy and run him as the big bad Science Rat of your list.

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Grey Seer

Of course, you can never go wrong with a Grey Seer. These guys are a timeless unit with so much utility. If you’re a fan of older models, this guy would be a great addition.

skaven mto 5Deathmaster Snikch

Snikch also had his model updated to Finecast a few years back and his pose is essentially the same! He’s got all of his daggers and is still striking that “finishing combo” move. Sniktch would be a perfect Assassin to throw into your Clan Eshin list.

While these models may be old, they’re definitely still usable on the table (except for maybe Thaquol and Boneripper). However, at the very least, you’ll be able to display some of the most timeless characters from Warhammer Fantasy on your shelves. Which character has always been your favorite? Which Clan do you play on the tabletop now? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.