GW Announces Lumineth Realm-Lords Army Box Pre-Order

lumineth realm-lords walGW just announced the release of the Age of Sigmar Lumineth Realm-lords army box that will be going on pre-order next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s going up for pre-order on June 20th. We saw the teasers for the Lumineth Realm-lords faction starter box, already, now let’s check out what all is on the way.

Lumineth Realm-lords – The Army Box

Lumineth Realm-lords The Army SetStrictly limited in quantity, the Lumineth Realm-lords Army Set contains nearly everything you need to bring a fledgling army to bear.

This week only has one release but its big! Looks like GW likes these limited box set releases as we saw them try this with the Sisters of Battle release as well. Hopefully, that also means we will see these models sold separately before too long (plus the rest of their army!).

Lumineth Realm-lords The ArmyIgnoring the extra knick-knacks like dice and cards, the models are looking great. Especially Eltharion, who you may recognize if you liked Fantasy Elves back in the day.

A beautiful launch edition of the battletome contains the rules and lore you’ll need, while a variety of accessories and gaming aids are ideal for ensuring your battles run smoothly and in style.

Also in a similar fashion to the Sisters of Battle release in 40k, the box set contains some exclusive collectors goodies, like this battletome! If you just want to see what the rules might entail, we should be getting some sneak peeks throughout this week!

What do you think about this new release? Are you excited for the new-old elves to return to AoS? Or do you just want to know how your new opposition will play?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!