GW Asks For Help From Age of Sigmar Players!

By Wesley Floyd | November 14th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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With another shocking announcement from GW today, they want Age of Sigmar gamers to help them playtesters with the 2019 General’s Handbook.

Games Workshop dropped the word that they’d like even more feedback from the community today hot on the heels of yesterday’s big announcement by Forge World.

Forge World addressed negative feedback from the community about Adeptus Titanicus, and actually responded with what the community asked for by supposedly queuing up new product production coming within the next three or so months in 2019!

Let’s check out how we can help them further.

GW Asks For Help From Age of Sigmar Players!

aos playtester

We’ve now started work on the General’s Handbook 2019 – and we’d love to hear from you. We want your thoughts on matched play points – in particular, the units you think should cost more or less. We playtest Warhammer Age of Sigmar relentlessly and love our dedicated team, but the game system is huge, so your feedback is essential, as well as being highly likely to influence the final book. If you’re looking to take part, make sure to do so in the next two weeks – after that, we’ll be taking time to go through everything you’ve sent us.

Going by the quote, the 2019 Handbook is underway! That’s pretty exciting news as the game is getting more support. Games Workshop wants our opinions on the units that should cost more or less. We’ve got until the end of November to lay our ideas out on the table so make sure you submit your thoughts.

Where do you Leave the Feedback?

You can leave the feedback on Games Workshop’s dedicated Age of Sigmar Facebook Page They’re specifically looking for points adjustments on units (more or less). So don’t spam the comments with crazy ideas and unique rules for your favorite units.

…all you need to do is comment on that post with the unit (or units) you think need their points changed, then provide some reasons why. Examples and reasons why you think the points should change will help us a lot, so any extra detail you can provide will be handy…

They asked for our help so let’s give it to them. They are initiating the request and actually reaching out. Once November is over, they won’t be taking any more requests as they’ll be reviewing our requests.

After reading this post, do you have some ideas in mind that you’d like to see changed? What are some units that are overcosted?

Maybe more importantly, what would you like to see Games Workshop ask for feedback on next?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.