GW Reveals 2 New Exclusive Minis & Gives 1 Away For Free!

free gw discount codes games workshop title wal hor warhammer 40k minis gw warhammer free miniature mini modelIn celebration of the upcoming new edition of AoS, GW has two commemorative Age of Sigmar minis that you can score for free, well sort of…

Two commemorative figures are being released on the Warhammer website to send off this edition with a bang. We’ll take a closer look at Killaboss Zagnog (Kruleboyz) and Knight-Arcanum Mordern Tzane (Stormcast Eternals) and the special deal they’ve set up for you to get a free mini. 

Get The Two New GW Commemorative AoS Minis For Free!

Here is the latest on how to get the new exclusive AoS limited edition commemorative miniatures from Warhammer Community. So, like the coin promotion, you’ll have to shell out some cash for the miniatures, but we all probably have “wants” to buy anyway!

Killaboss Zagnog

For all those Orruk players, you’ll be excited to see that Killaboss Zagnog is one of the two celebratory minis available. The backbone of the Kruleboys is here, fitted with his Boss-hakka and skareshield.

Killaboss Zagnog 2Like most of the commemorative minis, AoS or otherwise, he has a ton of detail but isn’t a specific character. That way, you can use him for a bunch of battlefield roles.


Knight-Arcanum Mordern Tzane

Knight-Arcanum Mordern Tzane 2

Joining the Killaboss is the noble Knight-Arcanum Mordern Tzane, wielding his Valedictor’s Staff and the beginnings of a celestial blaze. 

How Much You Have To Spend To Get The Free Commemorative Aos Mini:

commemorative AOS

When you spend a certain amount (see below) in the GW webstore, Tzane will be added to your shopping cart for free. However, both Modern Tzane and Killaboss Zagnog can also be purchased directly from the webstore.

In addition to these two new miniatures, the Warhammer webstore has some deals for you. You can pick up Tzane for free when you spend at least £150 on their website, which breaks down to the following amounts in other currencies:

  • USD 240
  • EUR 195
  • AUD 420
  • CAD 300

But if you’re already spending that much, you also get a £10 Black Library discount code when you hit the £100 spending mark.

How to “Game” The System For More Free Minis:

Commemorative Edition Miniatures

One important thing to note, for that matter, is that if you double or triple the order required for a free mini, you will not get a second. In order to qualify for the free mini more than once, you’d have to make several separate orders with the proper amount spent.

This promotion will be live from 10 am GMT on March 26th until 10 am BST on April 29th, so you will have more or less a month and some change to pick these up.

Whether you’re a long-time hobbyist or a newcomer to AoS, these special edition commemorative figures are definitely worth checking out. And with the option to grab one for free, now might be the time to finally buy what’s sitting in your cart on the Warhammer webstore!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Are you going to pick up either of these commemorative minis for AoS?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group or our new Discord server. Make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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About the Author: John Von Canon

John Von Canon

headshot john von cannonJob Title: Miniatures & Trading Card Games Writer

Socials: @AtogOrTwo 

About John Von Cannon: Tabletop gaming since 2016; John joined the Spikey Bits team in 2023 and has since been covering new miniature products, trading card games, and RPGs.

He spends his evenings running working at his local game store for the full hobby experience. So if you’re looking for niche and convoluted ways to sneak out a win in your next Commander game or a cool new hobby product for miniatures, he’s your guy.