GW Reveals the Next 4 Battletome Books for Age of Sigmar

new-aos-battletomes-rulesGames Workshop just revealed the next four new battletomes, or is it six like they said, that are on the way for Age of Sigmar in this 2022 roadmap!

Wondering which faction is getting a battletome, or other releases for Age of Sigmar? Well, if they are on this list you’re in luck, if not, well there is still hope according to these rumors from earlier.

Games Workshop revealed the new four battletomes coming for Age of Sigmar, Fyreslayers, Idoneth Deepkin, Daughters of Khaine, and Nighthaunts, plus teased two more for summer of 2022 as well!

GW Reveals the Next 4 Battletome Books for Age of Sigmar

aos battletome roadmap

Surprising precisely no-one, the Mortal Realms have been set alight with conflict once more.* On the burning shores of Aqshy, two disparate forces of Order muster against each other in an epic grudge match, while Nagash’s loyal servants have descended upon the Daughters of Khaine in an attempt to ‘reclaim’ aelven souls within the Arena of Shades.

fireslayers battletome deepkin

Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin and Battletome: Fyreslayers will be hitting shelves first, bringing you all the shiny new rules and lore you could need for collecting and playing with your favourite Order factions. Both books are filled to the brim with juicy background material chronicling each faction’s history in the Mortal Realms and their role in recent events – as well as warscrolls, Allegiance abilities, and other ways to reflect those stories on the battlefield.

We have already seen a ton of new rules changes and updates for both the Fyreslayers and Idoneth Deepkin from the Fury of the Deep box which you can read by clicking here. Now it looks like we’ll have the full battletome updates for both factions that players have been clamoring for in the third edition of AoS.

Daughters of Khaine & Nighthaunts Battletomes

night haunt daughters of khaine battletome

Morathi raises her spiteful head yet again,** this time to answer the challenge of everyone’s favourite Great Necromancer. Graceful gladiators and querulous quill-pushers are getting ready to clash in Arena of Shades, and a new Battletome: Daughters of Khaine and Battletome: Nighthaunt will be sneaking up on you before you know it, both packed with new lore, rules, and warscrolls.

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The Arena of Shades seems to be ushering in new battletome updates for the Daughters of Khaine, and Nighthaunts. The ladder for the most part been neglected since their inception in 2018.  You can read up on everything that we know so far about the Arnea of Shades from the LVO preview by clicking here.

Two More Battletomes on the Way For Chaos & Order

aos battletomes

Oh-ho, what’s this? Two more mystery battletomes are slated to arrive this summer. We can’t tell you exactly what they are yet, but it seems some distinctly Chaos-flavoured mischief is on the horizon, much to the dismay of the ever-vigilant forces of Order…

This is where it gets spicy because we have been seeing rumors for Beasts of Chaos that would make sense, but on the Order side, not too much. That is unless the new Aelves under Malerion end up being classified as Order, but ask anyone and they would tell you that any “Dark Elf” faction should be fall under Chaos.

Perhaps we’ll see the Seraphon make an appearance, as the list of factions needing a battletome update include Gitz, Ogors, Skaven, and the Ossiarch Bonerapers.

That being said Skaven is Chaos, and Seraphon are Order- wouldn’t that be fun to see this summer as there were rumors of those factions getting a new battlebox…

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Are you excited about any of the new Age of Sigmar battletome announcements and rumors for these AoS  factions? 

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