GW Teases Release Dates For Lumineth Realm-Lords & Gargants

lumineth realm-lords walGW may have let the cat out of the bag in a recent post that dialed in the timeline to the release of the new Lumineth Realm-Lords and Gargants.

Warhammer Community posted an announcement saying that their apps (Azyr and 40k) are updated with the latest batch of content like the General’s Handbook 2020, the Lumineth Launch box units, etc. However, looking at the finer print, GW also just gave a timeline on when we will see the rest of the long-anticipated AoS models.

Let’s take a closer look.

GW Teases Release Dates For Lumineth Realm-Lords & Gargants

generals handbook 2020 azyrPulling out some of what was said, GW mentioned the Lumineth Realm-lords units from the launch box as well as the other units that are on the way:

the warscrolls for the units in the launch box are in there now – and the rest are on their way! When the battletome and the rest of your army hits shelves in September, another huge update will add them all to the Warhammer Age of Sigmar app, and Azyr. 

If you update your app, you’ll find the Lumineth Realm-Lords units from the box set release within the roster. But looking at the bigger picture, we know that all of the other faction kits are going to be releasing full force in September!

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Gargants Next in Queue Beyond Lumineth Realm-lords

sons of behemat walNow let’s talk Gargants. Largely, these guys have been left in the dark for a while now. But it looks like they’ll be on the way next after all the Lumineth Realm-lords stuff…

And not long after, you’ll have something else to look forward to. Something massive – gargantuan, even…

Now does this mean October? Or maybe any month before the year closes out? We’re not sure, but we now know that GW is going to be bringing these guys to the shelves at some point soon.

We also saw this hinted at for October as well recently too…

RUMORS: Age of Sigmar Sons of Behemat Release Date

A picture of what looks to be an upcoming Sons of Behemat story by author Graeme Lyon was spotted on Reddit yesterday. While a story about these Gargants stomping in the realms sounds cool, what’s even cooler is the pre-order date that was seen tagging along with it.

As this is a rumor, keep in mind we have not seen a listing for this book, pre-order or otherwise from Black Library, or even Amazon yet.

sons of behemat storyWe’re not exactly sure where this picture originally sprouted up but it looks like there will be a Black Library audio drama on the Gargants for pre-order on October 10th. Historically speaking, pre-orders go out a week before the official release, which sets the story to debut on October 17th if we’re following the patterns here.

The 40k App Still Making Progress

40k app updateSpeaking of things on the way after September, the 40k app is also queued up next for two updates bringing in the Battle Forge (army builder) and online codexes for Necrons and Space Marines.

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After all of this is now out, when exactly do you think we’ll see all of the Sons of Behemat? What’s your favorite Lumineth Realm-lords unit?

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