Lumineth Realm-Lords Points, Battalions & Full Models Range

lumineth realm-lords walWhoa, don’t miss all the new Lumineth Realm-Lords models in the range, their full points, and battalions that are almost ready to hit the tabletop for AOS!

Over the past few months, we’ve seen a slow reveal of the entire Lumineth Realm-Lords line. Now, there’s a new image making rounds across the web showing the points and Warscroll Battalions for the army. Here are the full details on the Lumineth.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Points, Battalions & Full Models Range

Aelves are coming back in a new way. The Lumineth Realm-Lords have had all their models revealed so let’s take a quick refresher of what’s on the way for the army.

vanari auralan wardensThe Vanari Auralan Wardens are a heavy shield unit of spears that get bonuses if they stay packed tight. They can plant themselves on an objective or hold a choke point and never be moved.

lumineth spirit of the mountain 1The Spirit of the Mountain is the army’s big bad unit that’s called upon to do the heavy-lifting. The regular form has a big two-handed hammer.


lumineth spirit of the mountain 2While the named version, Avalenor, the Stoneheart King is wielding two one-handed hammers.

lumineth realmlords alarith stonemageThe Alarith Stonemage is a dude that has some insanely good balance. He’s sitting on a platform held up by a single focal point on two rocks. Also, he’s got a little earth elemental thing that does the walking for him.

lumineth alarith stoneguard 2The Alarith Stoneguard are regular Aelves that worship the Spirit of the Mountain (If you couldn’t already tell by their helmets). Like the Spirit of the Mountain, they’ve got a mix of hammers as wargear and have a rule that allows them to forcibly push an enemy back a couple of inches after melee attacks are done.

Vanari Dawnriders

The Vanari Dawnriders are the shock troop aspect of the army. They’ve each got some kind of shield and spear similar to the Auralan Wardens. The only major difference of course is that they’re on horseback.

lumineth realmlords auralan sentinels 3The Vanari Auralan Sentinels are the shooting aspect of the army. Overall, shooting is probably going to be the weakest aspect as they’ve just got this one unit. However, their spellcasting is going to be insane.

teclis modelSpeaking of spellcasting, Teclis is back and better than ever on his huge model. This guy alone is going to give Tzeentch armies a run for their money as we’ve seen a snippet of his rules that allow him to auto-cast four spells a turn and they’re treated as being cast on a 10.

The Light of Eltharion is going to be the frontline shining start hero for the Lumineth. There’s nobody else in the army line that fills the role this guy has as a certified small-based badass.

lumineth realm lords hidden in plain sight 2


lumineth realmlords new model 1Finally, we’ve got Scinari Cathallar. She’s a new model that’s still largely a mystery. However, she’s got one of the most dynamic models we’ve ever seen of her size. Just look at the veil affect blowing across her face.

In total, that’s ten different unit options hitting the Lumineth faction. Given the similarities between to named and unnamed Spirit of the Mountain/ Arualan Wardens and Sentinels, it could be an eight or nine-kit total army. Remember that the Lumineth starter box is also a thing coming with a nice selection of units and content needed to play.

New Battletome Sheet Reveals Allies & Warscroll Battalions

Unfortunately, this page is in German but we can still make out what most of it means.

lumineth realmlords battletome sheetSo here’s the latest image to make rounds across the web for the Lumineth. We can see that every unit, even at its minimum is going to cost over 100 pts while Teclis is sitting at a chunky 660!

On top of all the unit sizes and points, we’ve got four Warscroll Battalions named:

  • Alarith Temple?
  • Auralan-Legion?
  • Dawnrider Lance?
  • Teclis’ “…”? 

One key note to make after seeing all of these is that it doesn’t look like there’s a super Battalion that we normally see in Battletomes. This is where you basically combined Battalions and get another rule added on. However, you can normally only do that in games beyond 3,000 pts.

lumineth realmlords endless spellsAs for their Endless Spells, they’re all competitively priced. We’ve seen rules for these models already and they mainly look to be a huge support aspect for the army. From giving a protective barrier around a unit to completely turning enemy units to stone that are closeby, these spells are going to be powerful.

Idoneth Deepkin Namarti ThrallsFinally, their only ally is going to be the Idoneth Deepkin. Considering that the Lumineth are as ORDER as anything can get, we’re surprised that Stormcast and Sylvaneth also didn’t make the list of allies.

After seeing all the details on the army, have you decided to start these guys are your next AoS collection? Will you be spamming spearmen and controlling the board? Or will you be taking as many Spirits of the Mountain as possible?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.