Hey GW: Why Did You Overlook This Unit?

generals Handbook 2019We want these guys to be good! You’ve probably seen the new point changes to AoS by now. But why did they ignore one of the biggest fan-favorite units?

Warhammer Community announced that they adjusted the points and base sizes for a ton of things in AoS recently. While almost every faction had some kind of adjustment, one of the most popular units, in our opinion as fans, was overlooked.

Hey GW: Why Did You Overlook This Unit?

troggoth wal 1HOBBY ALERT: List of 40k & AoS Products That Are Being Discontinued

Being one of the most popular units fanwise in Age of Sigmar, the Troggoths drew the short end of the stick. While all of the Arachnaroks got cheaper by a large margin, Troggoths were left completely untouched.

Troggoths force a player to sacrifice hordes of units for a handful of bruisers. And if you’ve played any games of AoS, you’ll find that the rules favor model count. With that said, Rockguts and Fellwater Troggoths aren’t in the worst spot they could possibly be in. The main “fix” that needs to take place is for the Dankhold Troggoth.

troggothThe Dankhold Troggoth is a brand new kit that GW has completely shafted in terms of points per damage output on the tabletop. For 200 pts, you’re getting something with just 10 wounds and has 3 attacks that hit and wound on a 3+. At first glance, you might see the D6 damage and instantly jump to 3D6 damage coming from this guy each combat phase. However, the math says that you MIGHT get 1D6 damage through and chances are 50/50 on the damage output for the random D6 value.

Ultimately, it’s way too expensive for what you get. especially for just being a single model, which we already said the game favors hordes more.

In games where these guys are brought, they usually turn into expensive speed bumps that topple pretty quickly. We aren’t sure how Alarielle can get a massive 60 pt drop and yet these guys remain unchanged. Bringing these guys down by about 30-50 points would be reasonable.

There is a Reason to Bring One Dankhold Troggboss


If you love the model so much that you just have to fit one in your list (and we don’t blame you), there’s actually a competitive combo that you can do with this guy. Just make sure he’s the hero version of the unit, i.e the Dankhold Troggboss, aka Boss Trogg.

When he is a hero, he gets the ability to take an artifact and command trait as well as getting an extra attack (up to 4 now). As far as artifacts go, you’ll want to go into the artifacts of the Realms and pull out Ghyrstrike. It’s a simple bonus but is absolutely made for this guy. Ghyrstrike gives a model’s weapon +1 to hit and wound. That means this 270 pt model gets 4 attacks that hit and wound on a 2+ doing D6 damage a pop. That’s much better odds and coming from a player who has used the Gitz since they released, this guy consistently does 11-16 damage on average. (That’s enough to solo a Stormcast Eternal squad).

If you really want to maximize damage output on this guy, you can also give him the Command Trait called Mighty Blow that lets you reroll damage. However, if you’re trying to be more competitive, there are much better options for other Generals out there.

To mix it all together, just hide this guy behind your Stabbas and he’ll be able to crack skulls with his 2-inch range weapon from safety almost all game. This trait is a ton of fun and it works quite well.

Rockgut TroggothOverall, Troggoths aren’t the most competitive army out there, but when sprinkled into a larger force of Gitz, they can become powerhouses. While Troggoths aren’t seen too often on the tabletop, there are a bunch of people out there who don’t even play Gitz that hold a special place in their heart for them. It would be nice to see GW bring them in line a bit better with all the other points drops.

What are your thoughts on Troggoths? What’s your favorite Troggoth unit out there?

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