Master of Magic: Teclis Rules Warscroll is Fire!

lumineth-realm-lordsThe Lumineth Realm-Lords are looking better and better as time goes on, especially with these Warscroll rules for Teclis from the new Battletome.

Spotted on Imgur, we’ve got the Warscroll rules for the new Teclis! A while back, we saw some teasers in a White Dwarf preview where Teclis could auto-cast four spells. That seemed strong at the time but he’s actually a lot stronger than we thought…

lumineth realmlords white dwarf 1Keep in mind that while he’s VERY powerful, he also takes up over a quarter of a 2k list at 660 pts.

Master of Magic: Teclis Rules Warscroll is Fire!

teclis model


teclis warscrollGet ready to really dive in because Teclis’ Warscroll is a mouthful.

Starting off, he’s got a wicked laser pointer on the end of his staff that hits and wounds on a 2+, will almost always get through armor at -3 Rend, and pack a whopping D6 punch. He’s also got a couple of attacks with his sword, but there’s really nothing super special about it. For the giant mount named Celennar, he’ll be getting six attacks at the top bracket doing a max potential of 12 damage. With a 4+ Save, he’s not the tankiest. His model is also huge so if you’ve got some decent shooting in your list, he’ll be a prime target. He does have 16 Wounds, however, so it’ll be hard to pop him completely turn one.

Now that we’ve got the basic statline out of the way, here are some of his rules highlights.

  • Archmage: This is going to be Teclis’ bread and butter rule that lets him bully other Wizards off the table. He can autocast up to four spells with each value counted as a 10. He can also choose to instead, just cast two spells which each spell is counted as rolling a 12. Finally, he can choose to cast one spell and there’s no way for your opponent to unbind it. If you REALLY need something to go off, you can sacrifice three other potential spells to guarantee the one to go off.
  • Discs of the Aelementirl: This is the cherry on top to all your magical prowess. On top of auto-casting up to four spells, you’ll be able to auto-deny an Endless Spell and a regular spell. Being able to point at an Aethervoid Pendulum and say “NO” or smacking the spellbook out of a Grot trying to cast the Hand of Gork is powerful enough to secure a game alone.

*Deep Breath*

  • Aura of Celennar: Teclis’ mount is coming with his own aura and let your other Wizards (which by the way, is every other model in your army) add +1 to casting and unbinding rolls.
  • Seeing Stone of Celennar: His trusty mount, Celennar (his friends call him Celery), is getting a second rule tacked onto his aura. If an enemy spell hits a friendly unit within the aura, on a 4+ it’s negated and you can fling D3 mortal wounds back at a unit within 18″.

Teclis Personal Spells

TeclisFinally, we’re getting into his personal unique spells. He’s a Wizard that can auto-cast up to four as we’ve said, and can attempt to unbind ANY NUMBER OF SPELLS. Wow. So here are his magical goodies.

Protection of Teclis: This spell goes off on a 10 and puts out an 18″ umbrella effect of ignoring mortal wounds or regular wounds on a 5+.

Storm of Searing White Light: This is another aura spell with an 18″ threat range where you’ll roll a D6 for each unit that gets touched. Ona  1, you don’t do anything. However, depending on how well you roll, you can do D6 mortal wounds on each unit.

By the looks of it, Teclis is going to be coming in hot and putting Tzeentch to shame in Age of Sigmar. So far his biggest weakness looks to be his lack of melee damage and a 4+ Save. That is all without any other rules taken into account for what it’s worth!

What do you think about Teclis’ rules? Do you think he’s worth his points? What’s going to be the best way to deal with him?

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