Teclis & Lumineth Realm-Lords Rules Teasers SPOTTED!

realm-lords-wal-horHot on the heals of new Endless Spells, there are a bunch of rules teasers for Teclis and the Lumineth Realm-Lords that were just spotted!

Spotted inside June’s White Dwarf, the Age of Sigmar battle report features the Lumineth Realm-Lords going up against some Daemons. Now, there haven’t been any rules blatantly given away in here so some wording is subject to change.

However, based on the description of the battle report, we’ve got quite a few nice rules teasers about the army.

Teclis & Lumineth Realm-Lord Rules Teasers SPOTTED!

Reposted by Sprues & Brews, here are pics of the pages detailing how the battle report played out in June’s White Dwarf.

teclis modelFirst up, we’ve got Teclis. We hardly know anything about him stat-wise. But with what we do know, he’s going to be a nasty caster.

lumineth realmlords white dwarf 2With the way this is worded, it looks like Teclis is going to be able to automatically cast four spells in his hero phase. To have a chance to deny, each spell of his has a casting value of 10. That means it’ll be really hard to swat down four spells at CV10 in a phase, but not impossible.

Beyond that, we have an idea of some of his spells

  • Protection of Teclis: 18″ 5+++ FNP
  • Storm of Searing Light: 18″ deal mortal wounds to units (maybe Chaos only?)
  • Total Eclipse: forces opponent to use two CP for a command ability instead of 1.

That’s pretty nasty all things considered. He’s got a way to protect his units in a pretty big bubble, deal mortal wounds, and also a way to shut down the opponent’s functionality. If you play a list that’s not CP heavy, you’re going to have a bad time. 

Teclis & Friends Points Revealed

lumineth realmlords white dwarf 1Teclis is going to cost 660 pts which puts him between Alarielle at 600 (previous 660?) and Nagash at 880. You can use the overall power scaling of these two units to somewhat guess where Teclis will be in-game. Especially now that we know he’s coming with the ability to auto-cast four spells.

The Light of Eltharion, which we know is going to be a melee beast, is also sitting at 220.

lumineth spirit of the mountain 2Another big hit in the lumineth line will probably be Avalenor, the Stoneheart King, who will be sitting at 360. Imagine him with a 5+++ FNP from Teclis…

There are also more points revealed from that table above and everything looks pretty standard-issue for the smaller rank-and-file foot troops of the faction. However, there is a special note to make on the Alarith Stoneguard.

Alarith Stoneguard

lumineth alarith stoneguard


lumineth realmlords white dwarf 3The Alarith Stoneguard, yeah the ones with the goofy helmets are good. They’ll have a 3+ armor save and ignore rend -1 and -2 weapons. For something wearing robes and medieval cow-themed party hats, that’s not too shabby.

While it’s not the full rules preview we may have been hoping for, there still a lot of information to take away from all this.

What do you think about Teclis auto-casting four spells at CV10? How will other lists be able to contend with that? Did the Alarith Stoneguard just become potentially tankier than Nurgle’s Blight Kings? 

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