More Beautiful Age of Sigmar Armies Spotted at Adepticon

By Wesley Floyd | March 31st, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Armies on Parade, Army Showcase

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Sigmar is coming in hot! Here’s more of what we think were the top-painted Age of Sigmar armies from the Adepticon 2019 AoS events.

Adepticon 2019 attracted some of the most beautifully painted armies there are to find for Age of Sigmar. Sit back and check out this wave of AoS armies!

If you missed our first roundup, make sure you check it out here!

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Are you looking into getting into Age of Sigmar? Are you painting up an army currently? Look to these completed lists for some inspiration!


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A new take on the Fleasheater Courts shows all of the models in a spectral form! These wraiths are stalking the frozen wastes.

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Sigmar let loose on his ballistas! Check out the edging on all of the Stormcasts armor and wargear.

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Nighthaunts are an army that lets you go wild on fades. These guys have a fantastic contrast with their blue skin and red robes. Usually this

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Nagash is looking like an ice Lich on the table for this army. His host of wraiths are making sure the souls go back to the rightful owner.

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Skaven are back and better than ever! With their endless spells and giant rat Daemons, nothing can go wrong.

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The amount of detailing on every one of these Stormcast models is incredible. Even the marking on the banners are all free hand.

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The Elves had all their bows imbued with blue magic just before going to war. Take a look at the stunning highlights on their massive bird giving them support from the skies too!

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Nurgle somehow managed to get ahold of a mammoth. There’s a Plaguebearer in charge of the whole operation too! The guys on the back are just playing the last bit of music the enemy will ever hear.

And there you have it! Another wave of some of the AoS armies spotted on the tables of Adepticon 2019. What do you think about the displays? What’s been your favorite? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.