New AoS Seraphon Vanguard Box: Pricing & Value

Is-this-Worth-It-&-Value-seraphon-valueHere’s the pricing and value inside the Age of Sigmar Seraphon Vanguard box in this savings breakdown- check it out! 

Remember, these are primarily designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some of the models for the armies, these could be a decent value. Let’s see what you can save!

Seraphon Vanguard Box: $140

Click on these links to order yours for less: Amazon Dicehead Games Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming Element Games (UK) | or | eBay |


Seraphon Vanguard Box

At the forefront of this tide of teeth is a mighty Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur. These savage and belligerent generals are covered with the scars of battles past, and have managed to bend a predatory Carnosaur to their will. You can also build him as a Saurus Scar-Veteran, or as a Skink Oracle on Troglodon, which can launch corrosive spittle at their foes. With their sturdy scales and robust celestite shields, Saurus Warriors are a living anvil who hold the line and break enemy charges. In return they lash out with clubs, spears, and their own ferocious jaws, and no, they don’t care if their target is a putrescent servant of Nurgle or a rock-skinned Troggoth.

The final piece of the Vanguard is a unit of hulking Kroxigor. These lumbering brutes are monstrously striking, wielding weapons that can easily crush every bone in an Orruk’s body. They can alternatively be built as Kroxigor Warspawned, marked for war by the god Sotek.

Well, considering GW just announced the box, we don’t know the exact price, but they have been $140 for a while now, so we’re going to stick with that until it’s confirmed by Games Workshop.

  • Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur $90
  • Saurus Warriors $60
  • Kroxigor $60

Total MSRP: $210

Total savings versus the estimated $140 box price: $70

Is the Serpahon Vanguard Box Worth it? 

Honestly, this is on the lower end of the value we’ve seen for Vanguard boxes. However, if you need every miniature inside, you basically get the Warriors for free. If you don’t plan on using everything in the box, you don’t save any cash.

If you want a Carnosaur, then this is worth the buy; if you don’t, you should probably pass.

This also has almost half the value wrapped up in characters, so a much different style than a lot of the Vanguard boxes.

What to Buy Next for the Seraphon?

Seraphon Vanguard Box 2

This box focuses on the bigger minis in the army, with both a Carnosaur and Kroxigors. You only get 10 Saurus, meaning you need to start filling out your battleline and smaller minis next. You’ll probably want some more Saurus, skinks, and of course, some magic!

Seraphon has a ton of great spell-casters, so you’ll want to add a few to your forces. Then, of course, to round things out, you can always grab the new cavalry or go big, and get a ton of giant lizards!

This is a decent start to your army, but without much smaller infantry, you’ll need to fill out your forces and then go crazy with either tons of characters, giant monsters, or just tons of troops!

All The AoS Vanguard Boxes: Pricing & Value Breakdown

What do you think about the Age of Sigmar Seraphon Vanguard Box value? 

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