Free Warhammer Bugmansson Winter Theme Wallpapers

free warhammer walpapers

GW has a few more gifts for us this year it looks like as they just put out free Bugmansson Warhammer holiday season-themed wallpapers for computers and mobile!

The wallpaper drop happened over on Warhammer Community and looks like it mostly stills from the Warhammer Christmas video! If you haven’t seen it be sure to press play below.

Now let’s check out those wallpapers.

Free Warhammer Bugmansson Winter Theme Wallpapers

pc bugmansson wallpaperspc bugmansson wallpapers

Each of the stills in the video got a high-resolution wallpaper uploaded, meaning if there’s any part of the video you really like you can display it on your pc now! Some of these aren’t immediately holiday-related, so you might even keep it for a while longer than say, one with presents on it.

mobile bugmansson wallpapersEach of the wallpapers for PC also got a mobile counterpart with a focus on an area of the image. If you don’t like the focus areas for the mobile wallpapers, you can use the big images, crop them on your phone, and choose the exact area of the full image you want!

At first, these don’t seem too exciting. They are copied directly from the video. However, it’s neat because these are probably higher resolution than the YouTube video you watched, so chances are these uploaded will look significantly better than the video if you have higher resolution monitors and phones.

You can get them here on Warhammer Community.

Are you considering using any of these wallpapers? Did you enjoy the Bugmansson holiday video?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!