Only 1 Day Left: $49 Terrain & Tank Kickstarter!

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory

This is bananas. There is one day left to get the Rampart Kickstarter to $300k and unlock not just a set of terrain for $49 but also the Wolverine tank in plastic!

Archon Studio has brought incredible terrain kits to the hobby world in the form of a Kickstarter. It’s been running for a while now and has received groundbreaking support from the tabletop community. With success on showcasing stunning tabletop scenery, you’ve only got one day left to show support and get brand new terrain as a and potentially a tank if they hit their goal as part of your pledge.

Rampart Terrain Kickstarter has been backed by so many of you in the community, but there’s only one day left to pledge and get your tabletop goodies:

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory 5

Rampart Terrain Kickstarter: Pledge Today

We are also having a special “Final Attack” Stretch Goal. 4.7 inches long Wolverine Tank. If we unlock it, every $49+ pledge gets it.

The Wolverine “Not Chimera”

From new terrain models to future stretch goals. But before all that, let’s lay the groundwork for what’s already been established.

Rampart 1


Rampart 2


Rampart 3


Rampart 4


Rampart 6

New Core Sets

New to this Kickstarter is the Cobalt Factory core set that comes with even more parts that are interchangeable with the Eternal Cathedral set! Plus new stretch goals, and this dope new Plasma silo!

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory (3)

Cobalt Factory

We are bringing back all the previous content – Both Kazumi Temple and Eternal Cathedral along with the all-new theme of Cobalt Foundry. Also, we are introducing new stretch goals, for all of the sets. As an additional design, we are introducing stand-alone set of Plasma Silo.

The New Rampart Kickstarter is a great way to secure some amazing terrain that is modular enough to utilize for almost any tabletop game on the market. Make sure you visit this epic Kickstarter and see which pledge level is right for you today!

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory (3)

Latest Stretch Goal Updates & More


At the time of writing this, after the Kickstarter has been in progress for some time, you can see that they’ve received overwhelming support with their goal of $15,000 reaching almost $210,000!


Since then, they’ve continued to reveal more and more stretch goals as more backing has been received.


But they aren’t done! They’re still continuing to tease awesome new products on the way! Just pledge within your means and get some incredible tabletop spice, and maybe we’ll see a plastic version of the Wolverine tank (not Chimera) unlocked as well!

wolverine tank kingdom of men

You may remember this one from the Empire of Men Kickstarter a while ago. It was done in resin, but wouldn’t plastic be sweeter? If the Kickstarter hits $300k every pledge at $49 will get this added to their shipment for FREE.

archon studio plasma silo

Finally, if you are looking through all of the terrain pieces and see a few extras that you particularly like, you can pick them out and have them shipped to you with the rest of your Kickstarter order in return for the pledge. For example, the Plasma Silo is just an additional $25 to your pledge and you’ll get this awesome platform to put your minis.

As we’ve said before, these guys are bringing in multiple options for your playstyle that you don’t want to miss. And they’re all on Kickstarter now, head over there to pledge today, and help them hit $300k so we can get a plastic tank!

Kickstarter rampart Cobalt Factory 5

Rampart Terrain Kickstarter: Pledge Today

Rampart terrain sets were provided in exchange for this sponsored post.