Overpowered Alert: GW Reveals Gotrek’s Warscroll

By Wesley Floyd | September 5th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gotrek miniature instantly OP


GW’s favorite dwarf, Gotrek, just had his rules previewed for AoS and as it turns out, he’s a monster in melee like we’ve never seen. Check him out.

Following the lore behind this guy with Black Library book after Black Library book, this dude has an incredible backstory. But with so many tales and legends about this little dwarf, his model is finally coming to Age of Sigmar with a potent package of rules. Coming from Warhammer Community:

Gotrek’s Warcroll Revealed

gotrek model


gotrek datasheet

Alright so before we jump into the nitty-gritty, the bottom line is that this dwarf is a MACHINE.

With 8 wounds and a 4+ armor save, he’s tankier than you might think. Shoulder Plate of Edassa gives him a 3+++ FNP against any kind of wound. And to add even more tankiness to this little dwarf, he also reduces any damage from spells or “this model is slain” effects to one wound.

Looking at his damage output, he’s basically Guilliman in a Fantasy universe. Getting 6 attacks doing 3 damage a pop, he also rerolls all failed hit and wound rolls AND hits of a 6 inflict D6 mortal wounds on top of normal damage. That’s potentially 9 damage a swing… and he doesn’t stop till there is nothing to attack within 3″

He might hit like a truck and be tankier beyond any physical reasoning for a dwarf, but he also costs 520 points. The silver lining is that any ORDER army can bring him as an ally and get past the 400 pt limit at 2k. He’s got a special ability that gets him around the normal game rules.

Is that GW wanting to sell this product to everyone? Or does ORDER just really need a melee monster? Who knows!

Gotrek Vs. Other Scary Units

gotrek dwarf

Warhammer Community gave us a preview of his power by pitting him up against some other scary units. Here’s the results.

  • Gotrek Vs. Thanquol- Gotrek wins
  • Gotrek Vs. Greater Daemons (Blood Thirster, Great Unclean One, Big Bird, and Keeper of Secrets)- Gotrek wins
  • Gotrek Vs. Nagash- Gotrek wins
  • Gotrek Vs. Archaon- Gotrek wins
  • Gotrek Vs. Grot hordes- Gotrek wins

If these matchup results are true, to put things into perspective, this 520 pt Dwarf took units down costing upwards of 660 pts (Archaon) and 850 pts (Nagash).

What are your thoughts on Gotrek’s rules? Did ORDER armies really need a melee monster like this guy? Do you think the other alliances will be getting a similar character to go against him?

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