Prices For 3 New GW Releases for Next Week CONFIRMED

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Don’t miss two fan-favorite Start Collecting sets for Age of Sigmar and the latest Underworlds Expansion that are coming next week from Games Workshop!

Multiple retailers have already given us a heads up on the prices for next week’s Games Workshop releases. Take a look at the latest to see what you want to spend your hobby $$$ on.

Start Collecting: Maggotkin of Nurgle $95

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The Maggotkin Start Collecting bundle has definitely gone up in price from the other $85 Start Collectings we’ve seen in the past. This box comes with:

  • Lord of Blights
  • Pusgoyle Blightlords
  • Putrid Blightkings

To add icing on the cake, the units you get are staples to any Maggotkin-focused fighting force. With just a few more Putrid Blightkings, you’ll be able to fill out an entire Warscroll Battalion!

Start Collecting: Idoneth Deepkin $90

idoneth deepkin

Out of this Start Collecting, you’ll be getting

  • Akhelian Morrsarr Guard
  • Namarti Thralls
  • Isharann Soulrender

Idoneth Deepkin are one of the newer factions to AoS 2.0. If you were wanting to start playing a new army with some updated rules, this Start Collecting is a great place to start!

Nightvault Forbidden Chambers Board Pack $25

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Inside the Forbidden Chambers Board Pack, you’ll find a double-sided gaming board with some unusual features. The first side allows you to set up three fighters adjacent to one another and is ideal for defensive setups and small warbands…

Spice up your Warhammer Underworlds experience by throwing new boards into the mix. Test out your Warbands and your main deck in a new layout to see if you can make your deck prepared for any obstacles.

With the main focus of releases set in the Age of Sigmar, there’s a lot we can look forward to! Two factions are getting brand new Start Collectings and Warhammer Underworlds games will be spiced up with no interactions between board matchups. What will you be getting during the next release? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.