RUMORS: Warhammer Underworlds New Summer Release!

nightvault hor wal

Looks like there is no rest for the weary in Warhammer Underworlds as new rumors spell out an interesting potential release coming this summer!

Warhammer Underworlds started out as Warbands that focused on combat tricks and unique rules. As time went on, it developed into a game where magic is used. Now it looks there may be even more on the way for the game this summer.

Keep in mind, Warhammer Underworlds most definitely isn’t finished by any means from GW. At Warhammer Fest, we saw two new previews on the next season for the game which will most likely arrive quarter three or four of 2019.

Warhammer Underworlds Season Three Announced

GW might have shrouded the official name for Warhammer Underworlds’ next season. However, we can expect to see more Warbands, different rules and cards, and maybe even some different boards!

warhammer underworlds 2

Warhammer Community also gave us a painted-up mini for one of the Warbands that’ll be a part of the next expansion. Do you have any idea as to what faction this Lion might belong to? It’s not armored-up enough for us to say Stormcast but it’s also definitely got way too much meat on its bones to be something for Death.  Looking at the base, the theme for the set this go-around may be aquatic but yet shadeglass-y in nature.

New Rumors From the Industry Insider

Skaven Shadespire

An Industry insider had this to say:

Keep your peepers open for a new summer card pack that promises unlimited power

Warhammer Underworlds Card Packs

shadespire leaders

To talk about what it could be, we’re going to have to backtrack some. Each Warband has a different Leader. The Leader is usually the most important dude on the team through combat skill or just giving bonuses to his friends. That being said, GW released a card pack exclusively on the Leader role, last summer. The cards inside the pack were generic upgrades, scorable objectives, and ploys that were all focused around the Leader and Leader only. 

endless spells

Moving forward, Warhammer Underworlds is a game with a bunch of different Warbands that can cast spells. Obviously, The Tzeentch Warband, The Eyes of the Nine casting the most. Each Warband that can cast spells only has a couple of spell cards that they can cast. Essentially, the cards are faction locked.

So could these new power cards be a pack that focuses on nonfaction-specific spells that any Wizard can cast? We hope so! While the spell flingers inside Nightvault are useful, the times where they draw a spell card is pretty rare. Plus, there’s no guarantee that it will even go off. It would be nice to see a different batch of spells pumped into the game that are totally relevant across the board.

What do you think the power cards will be once they get revealed? Would you like to see more spell cards added into the game? What are some spells that your Warband needs? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.