GW’s 2019 New Release Summer Roadmap LATEST

new gw releases

With Warhammer Fest 2019 over, we’ve got GW’s new release summer roadmap for all the new models out there on the horizon. Take a look at the latest!

GW is keeping us busy with potential releases coming months ahead. Everything below is a comprehensive list of the biggest releases we’ve seen in previews this year and what we are still waiting on.

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That release is so big, we have had several separate posts on that. Don’t miss the latest reviews beyond the hype:

Forge World: Adeptus Titanicus Titanicus Bits & More

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These releases were previewed back at the Horus Heresy Weekender. The bits are going to go to a whole host of different Titans in Titanicus. From the shield-breaking firepower of dual Gatling cannons on the Warlord to a massive Titan-leveling missile on the top of a Reaver, there’s a lot of firepower on the way to the game.

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Moving forward to Warhammer Fest, we can see the weapon upgrades on the Reavers/Knight along with the new Acastus-Class Porphyrion.

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Further still, we’ll be seeing lore-successful Titan command terminals come to the game. We’ll be able to use the infamous Loyalist and Traitor Titans in our lists that’ll be perfect for narrative campaigns.

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And as usual, we’ve got more terrain pieces to sprinkle on our tabletops. From a factory to some silos and debris, your TItanicus should be getting plenty of scenery options to go with by now.

Horus Heresy: White Scars, Blood Angels, Custodes & More


Kyzagan Assault Speeder

Ebon Keshig Terminators

Golden Keshig Jetbikes

Chapter Master Raldoron


Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnought



Knight Akastus Asterius

hh armiger

The Armigers from 40k are also going to be coming to the Horus Heresy with a host of new weapons. It looks like we can see some kind of Vulkite cannon and maybe some kind of experimental Las cannon option!

Custodes Ares Gunship

Daemons of the Ruinstorm Model

We saw most of these things previewed back at the Horus Heresy Weekender as well. However, with the new Knight, Daemons of the Ruinstorm models and an Ares gunship on the way, there’s a lot more to be excited about than we initially thought.

More Horus Heresy: Book Nine & Dark Angels

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While book nine was only mentioned, they did show off some of the Dark Angel’s specific models. Take a look at how intricate the detailing is on the Dreadnoughts and Praetors!

Look for the Dark Angels to be battling the Night Lords and Dark Mechanicum in book nine.

Necromunda Models, Bits & Future Releases

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Artwork for Future Necromunda Characters


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Hangers-On Sculpts for Necromunda


Necromunda Squat Ragnir Gunnstein


House Delaque Upgrade Bits

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Known as The Headsman, this deadly executioner will be available to your gang soon.

Something is also headed to Necromunda under the name of Helmwar’s Justice. You hear in the video Enforcers, Get Down!” looks like Enforcers are next on deck.

More and more support is slowly getting introduced into Necromunda and the existing gangs. Have you magnetized all of your models just to prepare for more weapon/ head options in the future?

Aeronautica Imperialis is Coming Back

Not giving us too much, it looks like we’ve got a flying skirmish game in the works as well. Do you remember playing this game back in the day?

More Traitor Guardsmen in Blackstone Fortress

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With the first set of Traitor Guardsmen seen in the original Blackstone Fortress boxed game, an expansion showcasing a Traitor Commissar and Bullgryn are on the way.

traitor command

Traitor Command is a new adventure pack for Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress that sees you descend into darkness to crush a growing Chaos threat. You’ll face terrifying new hostiles with the Traitor Commissar and Chaos Ogryn, find strange and powerful new gear, and forge alliances with unlikely friends in Precipice…

40k’s Apocalypse Game

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Also previewed at Adepticon 2019, 40k Apocalypse is coming! Do you want to bring all of your models out to play but don’t want to spend the entire weekend moving around plastic and resin? Well, Apocalypse may be right for you! This Box Set is designed for you to play massive 40k games that you can get done within the span of a few hours.

40k apocalypse

The way things are looking, from the time we see solid previews on a GW game, there’s Roughly a two-month turn around time. One thing is for sure. We should still be expecting a steady stream of releases into all sorts of GW’s projects all throughout 2019.

New Skitarii Vehicle Revealed

skitarii tank

Skitarii Skorpius Dunreider Transport

Skitarii Skorpius Disintegrator tank variant

Skitarii are bringing some hover technology to their force with these new vehicles. They use the same chassis as each other but one is solely based on transport while the other is looking to be a fast hard-hitter.

Chaos Knight Models Revealed

True exemplars of honour, fealty and duty could never fall to darkness, right. RIGHT?! Duncan is NOT going to be happy…

Chaos heretic Knights warhammer 40k codex download pdf revealed

These Knights are the twisted horrific counterparts to the Loyalists. With their legs being jointed totally different and chains/meathooks draped over the armor plates, it looks like these guys will be a hit on the table.

chaos knight dominus

Heretic Castellan

chaos knight armiger

Heretic Armiger

Normally once we see these previews the actual release is around 3 months out before we see them on store shelves. After the success of the Imperial Knight codex, Dominus, and Armiger releases last summer, it is probably a safe bet that a Chaos release that follows the new Heretic Space Marines is sure to do just as well!

Primaris Repulsor Executioner

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This is the Repulsor that traded in its Las cannons for one massive cannon on the front. We don’t know the weapon profile on this thing just yet but here’s hoping it makes it worth its points.

Iron Hands Primaris Character Spotted

new iron hands primaris space marine spotted

We think it’s safe to say the wait was worth it! This named Iron Father will be hitting shelves (and your opponents) later this year…

Rather unexpectedly, the Iron Hands got a named Primaris character coming to their faction. This took us by surprise for the fact that GW decided to show love to a very minor chapter in 40k. Could this guy be the first of many new characters coming to chapters across the Imperium?

AoS Munchkin Game

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Warhammer Age of Sigmar Munchkin is coming! The endless possibilities of the Mortal Realms combined with the endless hilarity of Munchkin – this is going to be epic!  

 This was first announced during a preview at GAMA. It didn’t take long for GW to work with Steve Jackson Games again in making AoS Munchkin. Especially after how successful 40k Munchkin has proven to be in the community. Keep your eyes peeled for cards!

Generals Handbook 2019

This year’s essential guide for gaming in the Mortal Realms is packed with content for every kind of player. For open play, a new Open War army generator means you’ll be able to rally your forces in moments, while close-quarters battles and Hidden Agendas offer fresh challenges for you to get your teeth into.

Mercenaries (aka Dogs of War) Coming To AoS

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GW also made the announcement that some mercenaries are coming to AoS.

First up, we’re excited to unveil the all-new mercenaries system. With Forbidden Power, you’ll be able to recruit renowned sell-swords to your cause regardless of Grand Alliance. So, for example, you could have a Chaos army and enlist some of the notoriously ur-gold hungry warriors of the Greyfyrd lodge…

The most exciting thing about this is that the mercenaries won’t be tied down to Allegiance keywords. For example, you can bring a Fyreslayers dude and mix him in with some Beasts of Chaos. (These mercenaries are just in it for the money, just like the Dogs of War back in Warhammer Fantasy Era). With that said, we’re guessing we will start to see more unique characters come to AoS.

New Sylvaneth Battletome, Warscrolls, Dice & More

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While the Sylvaneth may be in a delay, there’s a silver lining. The faction is going to be coming with a bunch of updates and models.

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As far as we can tell, the Arch-Revenant, endless spells, and terrain may be getting all-new warscrolls. Kurnoth Hunters are also going to be dishing out a mortal wound on a 6 to wound with their swords too. (That’s not a big change, but it’s nice). If you’re an existing Sylvaneth player,  we’d say there’s going to be enough changes to the faction to make you want to get a pack of the warscroll cards.

If you’re playing Sylvaneth, you’ll also be getting access to a selection of new warscrolls! Most of these will plug in just fine to your existing Sylvaneth army,* with new keywords like Free Spirits and Household coming into play when your battletome is out.

With Free Spirits and Households mentioned, could we be seeing warscroll battalions come out themed around Sylvaneth “loners” and tightly-knit warbands?

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in the same vein, and staying true to AoS faction revamps, the Sylvaneth are coming with their own themed dice.

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New Sylvaneth Model Showcasing a Ring of Wyldwoods

While the old Wyldwood models are still totally usable in-game, GW is giving us another kit that’ll make it easier for us to move our models around.

Three New Endless Spells

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Moving onto the endless spells, the only one we know the name of is the Gladewyrm in the front. Looking at the other two spells, there’s a haunting tree full of skeletons tangled in its roots and a “hive” of bug swarms flying out.


The same “hive” design can be found on Drycha Hamadreth’s shoulders and legs. Could the endless spell be a swarm of Flitterfuries and act similar to Drycha Hamadreth’s rules?

Warcry Skirmish Game & The Previewed Factions

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Warcry was previewed at GAMA. This Skirmish game is focused solely around Chaos Warbands brought to an area to fight each other for dominance.


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While we saw an initial preview of Warcry earlier in the year, Warhammer Community gave us a deeper look into the Everchosen faction at the Australian Championship. The Everchosen are looking to be some real glass cannons. With everyone in the warband wearing minimal fur and leather, they are the “primal” Chaos fighters that use animals and primitive clubs made of bone to kill their enemies.

Latest Warband: The Splintered Fang







The Splintered Fang is the newly-previewed faction just after the Everchosen. It looks like they are going to have fewer models, but have a bit more armor. This is probably the most elite faction we’ve seen so far.

Warhammer Underworlds Season Three Announced

Giving us a hint at Season three of Warhammer Underworlds, we know that we’ll probably have a whole new wave of Warbands coming as well. In fact, they also gave us an early look at one of the Warband’s models.

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We got our first look at one member of an all-new warband and are none the wiser about the faction from which they hail. Looks cute, though

Reminder: Not pictured are even more Lord of the Rings and Blood Bowl releases.

And there you have it! With tons of 40k and AoS support being the heavy hitters, what are some of the other side releases you’re excited to see more about? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.