Shadespire: The Farstrider’s Tips & Tactics

age-of-sigmar-stormcast-cover-book smToday we’re going to be taking a look at how to build a Farstriders deck for Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, as well as some tactics to help you along the way.

There are two new players in the Shadespire universe each bringing a unique set of abilities and cards from their respected expansion. This week we are going to focus on just building a deck with The Farstriders expansion and the core set and see what we can come up with.

Farstriders become inspired when they end their action phase in enemy territory, making them aggressive from out the gate. Add that they have Boltstorm pistols with a range of 3 to the mix and they are great at rushing in and staying out of reach while whittling down opponent’s wounds.

Shadespire Almeric Inspired

Past Shadespire Warband Tips & Tactics

Farstrider Only Objectives:

  • Behead the Beast (1 Glory): Score in an end phase if your warband took an enemy leader out of action
  • Brave but Cautious (1 Glory): Score in an end phase if you have at least one surviving fighter and none of your fighters suffered any damage in the preceding action phase.
  • Close with the Enemy (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if three friendly fighters are adjacent to enemy fighters.
  • Eternal Supremacy (3 Glory): Score this in an end phase if you hold 3 or more objectives
  • Lightning Advance (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if all your surviving fighters (at least 2) are in enemy territory.
  • Meticulous Annihilation (3 Glory): Score this in an end phase if all enemy fighters have been taken out of action.
  • Punishing Volleys (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if you made at least 3 successful Boltstorm Pistol, or Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol attack actions in the preceding action phase.
  • Ranger Strike (1 Glory): Score this immediately if your warband has taken two or more enemy fighters out of action in this phase
  • Sigmar’s Finest (2 Glory): Score this in an end phase if your surviving fighters (at least 1) are outnumbered by surviving enemy fighters by at least 3 to 1.

Universal Objectives:

  • Advancing Strike (1 Glory): Score this immediately when your warband takes an enemy fighter standing in enemy territory out of action.
  • Balance of Power (2 Glory): Score this immediately when making an Attack action if both the attacker and the target have two supporting fighters.
  • Change of Tactics (1 Glory): Score this immediately if a friendly fighter on Guard makes a Charge action.
  • Complete Victory (3 Glory): Score this in the third end phase if none of your fighters are out of action.
  • Concerted Attack (1 Glory): Score this immediately if three or more friendly fighters made an Attack action against the same enemy fighter in this phase.
  • Defensive Strike (1 Glory): Score this immediately when your warband takes an enemy fighter standing in your territory out of action.
  • Fearless (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if there are at least 3 enemy fighters adjacent to the same friendly fighter.
  • Heroes All (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if all your surviving fighters (at least 3) are Inspired.
  • Our Only Way Out (2 Glory): Score this in an end phase if you hold three or more objectives
  • Skirting Danger (1 Glory): Score this in an end phase if all surviving friendly fighters (at least 2) are on edge hexes.
  • Unstoppable (1 Glory): Score this immediately if one of your fighters makes a successful Attack action against an enemy fighter on Guard.

Shadespire Stormcast Farstriders

For our Farstriders, I want to make an objective deck that is aggressive, because these guys are going to be running toward enemy territory to become inspired. From the Farstriders only, I would add Behead the Beast, Lightning Advance, Meticulous Annihilation, Punishing Volleys, and Ranger Strike. These all take us right into the action and get us moving forward and shooting out opponents, but we are lacking some “immediately score” cards. From the universal cards in this expansion I would add, Advancing Strike, Change of Tactics, Concerted Attack, Defensive Strike, Heroes All, and Skirting Danger.  This adds some immediate scoring cards while keeping that aggressive theme going. Finally, from the core set, I would add the Conquest objective.

Farstrider Only Ploys:

  • Fearsome Roar: Choose an enemy fighter adjacent to a friendly fighter. Push them one hex
  • Firm Footing: Roll an extra defense dice for friendly fighters holding objectives in the next activation.
  • Lightning Blow: the first Attack activation in the next activation has +1 Damage
  • Lighting Stride: Double the Move characteristic of the first friendly fighter to make a Move action in the next activation. They may not make a Charge action. Once they have moved, they cannot be activated again this phase.
  • Patient Defense: The first friendly fighter to be targeted by an Attack action in the next activation has +1 Defense.
  • Rangers, Advance: Choose two friendly fighters and push them one hex.
  • Rapid Volley (Reaction): Play this after a friendly fighters Boltstorm Pistol or Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol Attack action. That fighter can make another Boltstorm Pistol or Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol Attack action that targets the same fighter.
  • Retribution (Reaction): Play this after an Attack action that damages a friendly fighter. That fighter can make an Attack action that must target the attacker.
  • Steady Volley: The first friendly fighter to make a Boltstorm Pistol or Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol Attack action in the next activation can be pushed one hex before they do so.
  • Warning Cry: Choose a friendly fighter and put them on Guard.

Universal Ploys:

  • Ephemeral Shield: The first friendly fighter to be targeted by an Attack action in the next activation has +1 Defense.
  • Frozen in Time: Choose an enemy fighter and roll a defensive dice. One a “shield’ or “critical” that fighter cannot make any actions or be damaged in this phase.
  • Great Concussion: Choose a hex on the battlefield, then push all fighters one hex (in whatever order you choose). This push must move them away from the chosen hex. If there is no hex you could push a fighter into, do not push them.
  • Improvisation: Discard all power cards in your hand and draw three power cards
  • Inspiration Strikes: Choose a friendly fighter. They become Inspired.
  • Lethal Strike: If the first Attack action in the next activation is a critical hit, double its Damage characteristic for that Attack action.
  • Quick Thinker (Reaction): Play this after an enemy fighter’s Move action. Make a Move action with a friendly fighter who has not already made a Move action this phase.
  • Shardgale: All fighters suffer 1 damage.
  • Spectral Wings: The next fighter to make a Move action in the next activation has +2 Move
  • Twist the Knife (Reaction): Play this during a friendly fighters Attack action that has a range of 1 and will succeed. It has +1 Damage for that Attack action.

I want a lot of ploys that will help get my Farstriders into enemy territory and will boost the damage output from their ranged attacks. For that from the Farstrider only ploys I am going to take: Lightning Blow, Patient Defense, Rangers Advance, Rapid Volley, and Steady Volley. From the universal ploys, I am going to take Great Concussion, Inspiration Strikes, Lethal Strike, and Spectral Wings. Finally, from the core set, I am just going to add Healing Potion. This gives us a heal in case one of our guys gets beat up a little bit while adding a lot of aggressive movement to get our pistols in range. There are also a couple of defensive plays as well, in case we get one of our models in over their head.

Farstriders upgrades

Farstrider Only Upgrades:

  • Aetheric Step (Farstrider): This fighter can move through other fighters during a move action, but must end their move in an empty hex.
  • Covering Fire: This fighter can support an adjacent friendly fighter targeted by an Attack action, even if this fighter is not adjacent to the attacker.
  • Flashing Handaxe (Farstrider): Range 1, 2 dice (hammers), 3 damage. Has Cleave.
  • Furious Blow (Eagle Eye)(Reaction): During an Attack action that targets this fighter and failed, this fighter cannot be driven back and can make an Attack action. It must target the attacker.
  • Lone Warrior: Roll of (half circle) made for this fighter when they are targeted by an Attack action also count as successes when they are adjacent to no friendly fighters.
  • Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol: Range 3, 3 dice (hammers), 1 damage. Has Cleave.
  • Sharp Eyes (Eagle Eye): This fighter’s Attack actions gain Cleave.
  • Spinning Strike (Swiftblade): Range 1, 3 dice (dual swords), 1 damage. Targets all adjacent enemy fighters.
  • Swift Stride: +2 Move.
  • Well-timed Lunge (Swiftblade): Range 1, 2 dice (hammers), 3 damage. Has Cleave.

Universal Upgrades:

  • A Destiny to Meet: If this fighter is not out of action at the end of the third action phase, gain 1 additional glory point.
  • Concealed Weapon: One a critical hit, this fighter’s attack actions with range 1 have +2 damage.
  • Incredible Strength: +1 damage to all Attack actions with a Range of 1 or 2.
  • Katophrane’s Boots: Cumulative armor that if you have 2 pieces it allows you to re-roll defense dice. At 3 pieces you can re-roll attack dice. At 4 pieces after this fighters action, you draw two power cards. Finally, at 6 pieces you get ACTION: gain 4 glory points.
  • Opportunist (Reaction): After a failed Attack action that targets this fighter, you can push them one hex.
  • Regeneration: At the beginning of each action phase, remove up to one wound token from this fighter.
  • Shadeglass Spear: Range 2, 2 dice (hammers), 2 damage. One a successful hit discard this upgrade. On a critical hit, this Attack has +1 damage.
  • Superior Agility (Reaction): During an Attack action that could drive this fighter back (whether or not your opponent chooses to), you can instead push them one hex.
  • The Hallowed Key: If this fighter is holding objective 1 in the third end phase, score 2 glory points.
  • Zealous Defender: This fighter is considered to have an additional supporting fighter while they are holding an objective.

Sigmar Shadespire Wal Hor

Looking at upgrades I want cards that are going to give my warriors mobility as well as help them stay alive against hard hitters. From the Farstrider only cards, we are going to take Covering Fire, Flashing Handax, Lone Warrior, Overcharged Boltstorm Pistol, Swift Stride, and Well Timed Lunge. From the Universal Farstrider upgrades we are going to take A Destiny to Meet, Concealed Weapon, and Regeneration. Finally, from the core set, we will add Great Speed. This will give us a lot of movement and damage upgrades that will let us move our models across the board to whittle down our opponents and then go in for a killing blow.

There you have it an aggressive Farstrider deck, that focuses on movement and shooting your opponents down, and then going in for the kill. Overall, I really like this expansion and think it adds a lot of useful cards to the other decks as well.

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