Taking it to 2000 Points: Seraphon

lizardmen seraphon race hor wal

Let’s level up our army list and tactics by taking a Seraphon army we previously put together from 1000 points to 2000 points.

This list is building on the first 1000 article I wrote about a year ago located here. I won’t cover units I covered in that article in terms of examining what they do, also note the points from that article are from the old general’s handbook. With the new general’s handbook though the Seraphon get some neat bonuses like: Slann can unbind spells anywhere on the battlefield and if they successfully cast a spell on a double they can add 6 to there range.

Finally, once per turn you can attempt to move 1 unit anywhere on the battlefield, to do so pick a unit and roll a D6. On a 1 they can do nothing, on a 2-5 they can be moved anywhere if they are not within 9 of an enemy model, but they cannot move or charge and on a 6 they can go anywhere within 9 of an enemy and move and charge.


The sum of those units from the 1000 points article come in at 920 points under the new general’s handbook and is made up of the following.

  • Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur: 280 points (Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4)
  • Saurus Oldblood on Foot: 120 points (Leader 2 of 6)
  • Saurus Scar Veteran on Cold One: 100 points (Leader 3 of 6)
  • Skink Starpriest: 80 points (Leader 4 of 6)
  • 5 Saurus Knights: 100 points (Battle line 1 of 3)
  • 20 Saurus Warriors: 200 points (Battle line 2 of 3)
  • Salamander: 40 points (Artillery 1 of 4)

Let’s start out by finishing up our battle line units, and taking advantage of the massive regiments rules in the new Generals Handbook.

  • Add 20 more Saurus Warriors so the unit is 40 at 360 points
  • Add 10 more Saurus Knights so that it’s a unit of 15 at 300 points
  • 40 Skinks: 200 points (Battle Line 3 of 3)

lizardmen end times

Skinks: Move 8, 10 Bravery, 1 Wound, 6+ Save. They can be armed with a variety of weapons the first being a Javelin: Range 8, 1 attack, 5+ to hit, 4+ to wound, for 1 damage. The other missile weapon choice is a Boltspitter: Range 16, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 5+, for 1 Damage. For melee if armed with a Javelin: 1 attack, hitting on a 6+, wounding on a 5+, for 1 damage. Or if armed with a Boltspitter its 1 attack, hitting on a 5+, wounding on a 6+ for 1 damage.

Finally, some are armed with clubs: 1 attack, hitting on a 5+, wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. If armed with shields they ignore rend unless it is -2 or better. When there is 20+ models they get a +1 to hit and at 30+ models its +2 during the shooting phase and the leader makes 2 attacks in the combat phase. Finally, in the combat phase rather than pile and attacking they can withdraw and move up to 8 inches if they end there movement at least 3 away from opponents.

This brings us to 1480, so now let’s fill out this army with two more leaders to add some much-needed fire power to this list, the first being a Slann Starmaster for more magic and then a Skink priest for buffing your units.

  • Slann Starmaster: 260 points (Leader 5 of 6)
  • Skink Priest: 80 points (Leader 6 of 6)

Slann Starmaster: Move 5 (fly), 4+ Save, 10 Bravery, and 7 Wounds. He has an Azure Lightning attack with range 3, 6 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 1 damage. They can cast three spells in a turn with their unique one being Light of the Heavens. It allows you to pick any Celestial Daemon or Chaos Damon unit and they roll 2 dice for battleshock. If it’s a Celestial Daemon you discard the highest, if it is a Chaos Daemon you discard the lowest.

You also start the game with a constellation reading by rolling a D6 and one of the following can happen: add 1 to run and charge rolls, add 1 to casting rolls, or reroll hit rolls of 1. You can change the constellation by instead of casting 1 of your spells you roll a D 6, on a 1 the Slann cannot cast any more spells (so do this after you cast two other ones) but on a 4+ you can pick a new one. Finally, the Slann can cast spells through skink heroes or Troglodons within 15, and their command ability is gift from the heavens which all units within 10 inches of him can fly and re roll failed saving throws against them in the shooting phase.

Skink Priest: Move 8, Save 5+, 10 Bravery, and 4 Wounds. They all have a staff with 3 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 1 damage. If equipped with a cloak of feathers they also get a Starbolt which has range 18, D3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 1 damage. If they are equipped with the cloak of feathers there save becomes 4+, and move becomes fly 14. If they do not have the cloak, then they carry priestly trappings which allows their celestial rites ability to affect all Seraphon units rather than just one. Which celestial rites has you roll a D6, on a 4 or more a unit within 8 inches can re roll run, charge, and save rolls.

This brings us to 1820, so let’s fill out the rest of the army with some dinosaurs! Let’s add another 3 Salamanders to the list along some skink handlers.

  • 4 Salamanders: Brings the unit  up to 160 points (Artillery 1 of 4)
  • 1 Skink Handlers: 40 points (no unit type)

Seraphon Art H&S

Skink Handlers: Move 8, 1 Wound, 10 Bravery, 6+ Save. They have spears with range 2, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 5+, for 1 damage. On hit rolls of 6 they automatically wound.

Coming in at 1980 points and 108 models you better get your paint brush ready cause this is one massive army. It is also very flexible in that you have 6 leaders for objectives, you have 3 large regiments for battle lines for objectives, and you had a ton of variety in your units!


Lets start with the Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur, I would make him my general and give him the command trait of Thicky Scaled hide to give him some survivability. I would then give him the Incandescent Rectrices, which when he is dealt his final wound on a 3+ he heals D3 wounds instead and teleports 12 inches away. For the Saurus Oldblood on Foot I would arm with Suntooth Maw or Greatblade for the red and multiple wounds.

With the Skink Priest I would want to arm them with the priestly trappings to maximize their buffing potential. Then the Saurus Knights I would arm with lances to give them the potential for mortal wounds. The Saurus Warriors I would arm with spears for the added attacks it would give such a massive regiment. Finally, the Skinks I would arm with Boltspitters and Star Bucklers, which will give them a range 16 attack and let them keep there 6+ save against most attacks.

Soccer formation tactics on a blackboard


Alright so I would first start by placing the knights on one side along with your Old Blood on Canrousar and Scar Vet on Cold One. Then in the middle you will place your Saurus Warriors and Old One on Foot along with the Skink Priest with priestly trappings. Finally, on the right-hand side put your Skinks out surrounding the Salamanders, Skink Handlers, and the Starpriest. This will let them be a mobile unit that when they are charged will let you fall backwards using their command ability. The Salamanders will get buffed by the Handlers and help them dish out some damage, while being protected by the mass of bodies that is the skinks.

Finally, the Slann should be hiding somewhere where it cannot be seen, because it can un bind from anywhere and cast magic through the skink heroes. Your goal is to push forward with your fast-moving cold ones and heroes on one side and destroy anything there then, from there move to either take out your opponent’s back line or go to support your warriors in the center. With your Warriors you want to aim to have mystic shield on them and the trappings on them so that they have some survivability.

That is a tough block to move and they can keep pushing forward and tie up even some big-name units. Finally, on the skinks flank you want to use those ranged units to pick away at any models on that side or to quickly take control of an objective. But do not get cute with them and think they will win in melee, withdraw them ASAP instead of attacking and make sure to keep you dinosaurs more then 3 inches away so they cannot pile in and attack them.

There you go, this force has so many options I have hardly touched on them!

You could swap out some heroes for one of the many other ones, you can summon any of these units instead of starting them on the board (great to keep your salamanders and handlers alive). You can split up that unit of knights into 3 units of 5 if you want to go for all the objectives on turn 1. With their war drums they have a guaranteed first turn movement of 14!

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