Taking Your Soul Wars Sacrosant Chamber to 2000pts

By Travis Perkins | July 16th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal hor Top 7 Changes to AoS

Smart, cheap, effective… what more could you want in your Sacrosant Chamber list? Take a look at how you can get that done.

Now that you have all your fancy wizard Stormcasts (Sacrosant Chamber) put together and are liking their playstyle you want to take them to 2000? Well you’re in luck. I just happen to have a list I’ve been toying around with that I’m happy to share with you! Even better it’s kind of cheap? (As cheap as it can get after your starter set investment, the Malign Sorcery expansion, and the Stormcast Battletome purchase.)

aos soul wars

*Writers note: if you’re looking at getting the Stormcast half of the Soul Wars box but have no interest in the Nighthaunts you can easily sell that half for as much or more than half the cost of the box. Nighthaunts seem to be the fan favorites as of this writing.*

You do however need to shore up your core set to make it matched play friendly, so find 2 more Sequitors to get to 10 (You will be buying an extra Sequitor so you only need to find one off eBay), 2 more Evocators to get to 5, and 1 more Castigator to get to 6. Bringing you to the total below.

  • Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger (your general) – 240 points Leader 1 of 6
  • 5 Evocators – 200 points No Unit Type
  • 5 Sequitors – 120 points Battleline 1 of 3 Required
  • 5 Sequitors – 120 points Battleline 2 of 3 Required
  • 6 Castigators – 160 points (80 per 3) No Unit Type
  • 1 Celestar Ballista – 100 points 1 of 3 Artillery Allowed
  • 1 Knight Incantor – 140 points Leader 2 of 6

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Soul Wars AoS Soul Wars Starter Box: Is It Worth It?

Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger: Move 12, Save 3+, 9 Bravery, 7 Wounds. Has two melee weapons the first is the Artherstave: Range 2”, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for D3 damage. Then the Razor Beaks and Claws: Range 1”, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+ (hit rolls of 6 do 1 mortal wound), with -2 rend, for 1 damage. Cycle the Storm: Once per turn when a friendly Stormcast Eternal model is slain within 18” instead of removing the model you can heal 1 wound to it, this model cannot use that ability on itself. Ride the Winds: In movement phase this model can move 6D6 as if it can fly in any direction as long as it remains outside of 3” from enemy models, this model cannot charge this turn. Spirit Flasks Once per battle at the start of combat phase you can break 1, 2, or 3 spirit flasks, if so deal 1 mortal wound for each unit within 3 inches for each flask. If the unit has 10 or more models they deal D3 damage instead, wounds are allocated to the Lord Arcanum last. He is a wizard who can cast and unbind one spell, his unique spell is healing light: Casting value 5, range 18 inches, target is a Stormcast Eternal model, that model heals D3 wounds or D6 if the casting roll was 8+. Prime Electrids: If you cast arcane bolt with this model it deals D3 rather than 1 mortal wound or a D6 on a 10+ casting roll. Command ability soul energy: This ability can be used in the command, shooting, or combat phase. If used in the command phase a friendly unit of Evocators within 6 inches, they can automatically cast empower no roll is required. If used in the shooting phase pick a friendly unit of castigators within 6 inches and they can use aetheric channeling to increase power and accuracy rather than just one or the other. If used in the combat phase pick a friendly unit of Sequitors within 6 inches and they can use aetheric channeling to power weapons and shields rather than just one or the other.

Evocators: Move 5 “, Save 4+, 8 Bravery, 3 wounds. Have 2 melee weapon the templast blade and stormstave: Range 1”, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, for 1 damage. Or grandstave: Range 2”, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, for 2 damage. The leader of this unit is a prime and gets an additional attack. Celestial Lightning Arc: In the shooting phase re-roll saves of 1, in the combat phase after resolving this unit attack pick an enemy unit within 3 inches and roll 2 dice for each model in this unit, on a 4+ the enemy suffers 1 mortal wound. This unit is considered a wizard as long as it has 2 or more models and can cast and unbind 1 spell, their unique spell is Empower: Casting value 6, target is friendly Redeemer or Sacrosanct unit within 8 inches, until your next hero phase they can re-roll failed wound rolls.


Sequitors: Move 5”, Save 4+, 7 Bravery, 2 wounds. Has three different melee weapons first is stormsmith maul: Range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+ for 1 damage. Or a Tempest Blade: Range 1, 3 attacks hitting on a 3+, wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. Then the prime and 1 out of every 3 models has a stormsmite greatmace: Range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 2 damage. The prime gets a bonus attack with his stormsmite greatmace. All models in this unit can re roll save rolls of 1 as long as any models are equipped with a shield. At the start of the combat phase you choose to either re-roll all failed save rolls (instead of just 1’s), or re-roll all failed hit rolls. Instead of a greatmace, the prime can carry a normal maul and a redemption cache which deals a mortal wound to a Chaos or Death unit within 6” on a 4+. Finally if fighting Daemons or Nighthaunts the greatmaces do D3 damage instead of 1 on hit rolls of 6+.

Casigators: Move 5”, 4+ save, 7 bravery, 2 wounds. Has a single missile weapon the thunderhead greatbow: Range 1”, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend, for 1 damage. For melee, they have a heavy stock attack: range 1 inch, 2 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. The prime adds 1 to his hit rolls for the thunderhead greatbow. Against Daemon or Nighthaunt units the thunderhead greatbow deals D3 wounds hits instead of 1 on unmodified rolls of 6. At the start of the shooting phase choose to increase accuracy or power, if you choose accuracy re-roll hit roll of 1, if you choose power then rend becomes -2 rather than -1

Celestar Ballista: Move “, 4+ save, 7 bravery, 7 wounds. Has a missile weapon with two different option the first is single shot: Range 3”, 1 attack, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend for 1 damage. The second option is to instead use rapid fire: Range 18”, 4 attacks, hitting on a 5+, wounding on a 3+, with -2 rend for 1 damage. Melee weapon is sigmarite blades: Range 1 inch, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. If this unit is in cover add 2 to its save rolls rather than just 1. For each hit from the missile weapons roll a D6 and that is how many hits it is instead of just 1.

Knight Incantor: Move 5”, 3+ save, 9 Bravery, 5 Wounds. Has 1 melee weapon the Icantor’s staff: Range 2”, 3 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for D3 damage.  Voidstorm Scroll: Once per battle this model can automatically unbind a spell instead of making an unbind roll. Spirit Flasks: Spirit Flasks: Once per battle at the start of combat phase you can break 1, 2, or 3 spirit flasks if so deal 1 mortal wound for each unit within 3 inches for each flask. If the unit has 10 or more models they deal D3 damage instead, wounds are allocated to the Knight Incantor last. She is a wizard and can cast and unbind 1 spell, her unique spell is spirit storm: Casting value 7, each enemy unit within 18 inches, all enemy units suffer 1 mortal wound and subtract 1 from run and charge rolls while within 18 inches.

Total: 1080

You are 1 Battleline unit shy of having all three units and you’re only 1 unit away from completing a battalion called the Hailstorm Battery. Let’s add another unit of 5 Sequitors by getting 2 of easy to build kits and then buying a Lord Ordinator.

  • 5 Sequitors – 120 points Battleline 3 of 3 Required
  • Lord Ordinator – 140 points Leader 3 of 6
  • Hailstorm Battery – 120 points Battalion


Lord Ordinator: Move 5”, Save 4+, 9 Bravery, 5 Wounds. Has 2 melee weapon options the first is Astral Hammers: Range 1”, 6 attacks, hitting on a 4+, wounding on a 3+ for 1 damage. If two or more hit rolls is a 6 the attack does D3 mortal wounds as well. Or an Astral Grandhammer: Range 1”, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 2 damage. If a hit roll is a 6 it deals 2 mortal wounds instead of regular damage. Arcane Engineer: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by Order War Machines, while they are whole within 9” of Lord Ordinator. Command Ability Solemn Duty: Used at the start of the battleshock phase, allows friendly Stormcast Eternals wholly within 18” of this model to be immune to battleshock tests.

Hailstorm Battery: Made up of 1 Lord Ordinator, 1 unit of Castigators, and 1 Celestar Ballista. Allows the Celestar Ballista to re-roll failed hit rolls against a target that was wounded by the Castigators this turn.

Total: 1460

With 540 points left, you have a lot of room to maneuver with your remaining points and can really mess around with whatever units you can get your hands on. Personally, with the heavy shooting portion of the army and with how quickly units can pop up around the board I think adding a unit of 6 Gryph Hounds (also cheap kit) and a Lord Veritant is a good idea. This will let you shoot at any units that pop up around your archers (if you keep your Gryph Hounds close) and will also double the Gryph Hound’s attacks. It also adds another hero to your side and a decent sized unit that can move quickly to capture objectives.

  • 6 Gryph Hounds – 140 points no unit type
  • 1 Lord Veritant – 120 points Leader 4 of 6

Shadows Over Hammerhal Gryph Hound

Gryph Hounds: Move 9”, – Save, 6 Bravery, 3 Wounds. 1 melee attack called beak and claws: Range 1”, 2 attacks, hitting on a 3+, wounding on a 4+, for 1 damage. If the unit is wholly within 6” of a friendly Lord Castellant or Lord Veritant add 2 to the beak and claws attack characteristic. The Gryph Hound Alpha has an additional attack. They can retreat 6” after all attacks have been resolved. Warning Cry: If a reserve enemy unit is set up for the first time within 10” of this unit, friendly Stormcast Eternal units wholly within 9” of this unit can attack that reserve unit with all of the missile weapons they are armed with once this phase.

Lord Veritant: Move 5”, Save 3+, 9 Bravery, 6 Wounds. Has 1 melee weapon the judgment blade: Range 1”, 4 attacks, hitting and wounding on a 3+, with -1 rend for 2 damage. He gets to set up a free gryph hound wholly within 3” when he is set up. He can unbind one spell in the same manner as a Wizard, if his gryph hound is within 6” of the wizard add 3 to the unbinding rolls. In your hero phase pick an enemy wizard within 7” on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Total 1720:

For me I want to make the most of magic now with all the endless spells that are out, and I am cheap and like cool models for under 10 bucks. So, for 8 dollars I am going to pick up the Start Collecting Age of Sigmar magazine that comes with a free Knight Incantor. With the last 140 points, I am going to buy myself an extra CP (for 50 points) and then add the Chronomantic Cogs and the Soulsnare Shackles for 80 points total.

  • Knight Incantor – 140 points leader 5 of 6
  • Chromantic Cogs – 60 points
  • Soulsnare Shackles – 20 points
  • Command Point – 50 points

malign sorcery

This is a defensive oriented list now with 4 wizards, 3 sturdy battlelines, and lots of movement line of sight spells. However, you have a lot of magic at your disposal, and you have plenty of ranged attacks to soften the enemy before they get to you.

Load Outs: Evocators: I like the Tempest Blade and Stormstave combo for the extra attack and rend, plus those are the models that come in the starter set.

Sequitors: I use the Stormsmith Maul because again it is what comes in the starter set, I do however give my prime the Stormsmite Greatmace rather than the Redemption Cache as 3 attacks with the greatmace against all opponents is better then a chance at mortal wounds to Chaos and Death factions. The Lord Ordinator I like to use is armed with the duel Astral Hammers, this gives you a chance at normal damage as well as D3 mortal wounds as well. For Stormhost choice I am going to choose Anvils of the Heldenhammer to give my ballista a chance as extra shots with the cost of a CP. For artifacts you start off with the Soulthief that I will give to my general, but then the bonus one from the battalion I like the Spellshield and give it to my Lord Veritant so that he can attempt to unbind an additional 1 spell (+3 if close to the wizard). Spells you are going to be generating an additional 4 spells so you pretty much have pick of the litter.

Tactics: Play defense if the battalion lets your and soften up your opponent with missile fire and magic. You might concede middle ground objectives a turn or two but if you focus fire onto units holding the center ground you have a good chance at softening them up for your evocators and Sequitors to do some damage too down the road. Another idea is to set up the Gryph Hounds and Lord Veriant in the Celestial Realm and bringing them down and the end of your movement phase 9 inches away from the main enemy wizard. Then if you get close enough the next turn the unbind rolls against the wizard are at +3 from the Lord Veriant.

There you have it, that is one way to build a force around the Soul Wars boxed set, which all in all is a pretty good deal. The rest of the models in this force are relatively cheap so if you decide to sell your Nighthaunts (to pay for the Malign Sorcery box) you can build a decent 2000 point army for cheaper then most others.would-you-like-to-know-more-logo-starship-troopers


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