The Blinding Light of Sigmar: Conversion Corner

By Joshua Dunkerly | November 28th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Army of One, Stormcast

sigmarineWhen you are part of the Stormcast Eternal you kind of lose all fear of death. I mean, why fear it when you are just reborn!

Come see one sweet mini brought to us by Mike J. O’Brien of Beard and Brush.

sigmarineMike did such a great job, I’ll let him tell you about it.

One more project down. These Stormcast Eternals are such cool models but have way more detail than I originally thought.


I did this one to match my buddies army as a prize for a raffle he won. It’s such a crazy difference between how it looks in my painting area and in the photo area, I’m gonna have to play with the lighting a bit more I think.


“By the light of Sigmar!”

Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!