These Are the 6 Other Troggoth Kits for Age of Sigmar

By Wesley Floyd | January 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Editorials, Top 10

troggoth hag wal

Need more Troggoths in your life? Check the other 6 Troggoths kits for AoS that currently have warscroll rules so you’re ready for the Gloomspite Gitz!

Troggoths are some of GW’s oldest creatures. Did you know quite a few Troggoth models exist besides the new Dankhold and Rockgut ones? They’ve been around in the Destruction books since 2015, however, they haven’t seen rules support like this in a long time!

Take a look at the top Troggoth models from Games Workshop and Forge World and get ready for Gloomspite Gitz in Age of Sigmar!


If you haven’t heard, the Troggoths are getting their own Warscroll Battalion called the Troggherd in the Gloomspite Battletome. The cool thing about it is that you’re basically free to take any combination of almost any Troggoth units. Plus the Batallion has a decent rule essentially making your Troggoth’s weapons do a flat 3 damage on a wound roll of a 6.

1. Sourbreath Troggoth $22.25

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this Troggoth can take some licks. He heals D3 wounds “basically” every turn and even comes stock with a 4+++ Feel no Pain. You’d probably want to roll these guys in a group of three and barrel them into a crowd of something you need held up.

2. Fellwater Troggoths $47

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Fellwater Troggoths are the bullies of the bunch. They are decently tough (like all Troggoths) and can actually be a real problem to get rid of. They smell so bad that your opponent will be -1 to hit them. In a game where combat is twice as common as shooting, you can expect the Fellwater Troggoths to stick around for a bit. They can also dish out a nasty number of attacks a 2D a pop!

Rockgut Troggoth $22.25

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Keep in mind that the Rockguts are hitting the table with brand new models that look absolutely stunning. They’ve changed the look from a grumpy old man to dumb malicious creatures with boulders. (i.e perfect).

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Like all Troggoths, they can regenerate D3 wounds a turn. These guys are also decently tanky with a 4+ save, 4 wounds a piece AND have a 6+++ Feel no Pain against mortal wounds.

3. Troggoth Hag $100

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The Troggoth Hag is a Forge World model and is the LAST thing you want to see stomping out of a swamp. *takes deep breath* She comes with a massive 14 wounds, she heals D6 wounds a turn, can slap back mortal wounds to Wizards when you unbind, is -1 to hit in melee, and can cast. She also knows how to bust some heads with her staff wounding on a 2+ and doing 3D a piece.

4. Bile Troggoths $78

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Bile Troggoths are unique in that you can actually take them with a Troggoth army or a Nurgle army. They’re really just like any Troggoth on the table really. They automoatically heal D3 wounds a turn, however, and can also do an extra mortal wound with their vomit. Not too shabby!

5. Troggoth King OOP

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The Troggoth King a force-multiplier specifically for Chaos Troggoths and Ogors. However, he’s still a Troggoth and made the list. He’s a very old model and is somewhat hard to come by but he is definitely a solid unit. He’s got four attacks that do 3D each and auto heals D3 wounds like all the other Troggoth family members.

6. Chaos Troggoth OOP

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These Troggoths can get bonus attacks that explode on a 6 to hit. Pair that with a Troggoth King to reroll your 1’s and these guys can be a real problem to deal with.

With Troggoths getting a bit of the spotlight in Gloomspite Gitz, it looks like GW has already sold out of most of their existing models. Keep an eye out in case they stock back up for the launch of the Gitz.

In the meantime, if you build some lists and tell us what your favorite combination of Troggoths are in our Facebook Hobby Group.