Top 3 Endless Spells Any Army Can Use For AoS

By Wesley Floyd | July 23rd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Tactics, Top 10

Age of Sigmar Endless Spells & How to Use Them

Don’t miss the top 3 Endless spells that any army can take in AoS. If you have a Wizard in your list chances are you will want one of these!

If you play an army with Wizards, you’ve probably experimented with endless spells at some point. That being said, here’s our list of endless spells that anyone can cast and give the best payoff.

3. Aethervoid Pendulum

endless spell 1

The Aethervoid Pendulum is a nasty spell that MUST go in a straight line and in one direction. It’s a predatory spell which means that both players can move it. However, if you cast it, you get to pick its direction and it can only go that same direction. If you’re looking to do D6 mortal wounds to whatever you fly over, just point this in the direction of the enemy and send it off. It will keep going until it reaches the end of the table gets dispelled. Either way, you can just cast it again and repeat. Plus it’s only 50 pts.

2. Balewind Vortex

Balewind Vortex


The Balewind Vortex is just a really old spell model that got turned into an endless spell. However, this thing sits at just 40 pts as well and beefs up the Wizard riding it. This thing lets you cast an additional spell and even adds 6″ of range to whatever you cast. It’s really useful for the dudes that can cast more than one spell to begin with because they can turn into a spell-slinging machine gun in-game. Throw Lord Kroak on this thing and watch him go to work.

1. Chronomantic Cogs

In a game centered around heavy melee combat, it turns out that an endless spell essentially giving you 4″ of extra movement is pretty useful. You can speed up time adding 2″ to movement and 2″ to charge for all units on the battlefield. Or you can slow down time and cast an additional spell and reroll failed saves. At 80 pts, this thing is always going to have a solid use no matter what turn of the game you’re in. Plus, with two modes to pick from, you have the ability to react in case your opponent switches up tactics on you.

We’re sure we are going to continue to see endless spells added to the games, but here’s our top three generic ones that anybody can take. What’s been your experience playing these? What’s your favorite Wizard to bring in your lists? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.