Tzeentch & Kharadron Overlords FAQ Arrives For AoS!

new in the faq gwAnother new FAQ is here! This time for Tzeentch & Kharadron Overlords, the most recent armies to get revamped in Age of Sigmar. Check out the latest!

Warhammer Community pulled the curtain back on an FAQ update for Tzeentch and the Kharadron Overlords in Age of Sigmar. While we’ll be going over some of the highlights, be sure to check out all the updated yourself. With that being said, let’s kick off the changes with Tzeentch.

Tzeentch & Kharadron Overlords FAQ


Disciples of Tzeentch FAQ

tzeentch faq destiny diceFor Destiny Dice, the big kicker here is that whatever you swap out as your roll for things like armor saves and battleshock, that roll will get modified. It didn’t explicitly say in the past that you would apply the rend for a save to the new die result from the Destiny Dice pool. However, GW just clarified things there.

tzeentch faq LOCAnother change came to the Deceive and Dismay rule. Now, your general has to be a Lord of Change and can only pick another unit from that same battalion to redeploy 9″ away from the enemy.

For Beacon of Sorcery, Daemon Wizards wholly within 18″ of the model with the ability get to add 1 to casting/unbinding. But you can’t spam this to get something like a whopping 3 to casting/unbinding.

There were also a few more minor tweaks for Horrors and Kairic Acolytes in terms of wargear. So be sure to check out the updates for your army in detail. 

Kharadron Overlords Get Designers Commentary Attention

Kharadron Overlords Wal HorBefore we jump into the latest details on the sky dwarves. It should be noted that there weren’t any real rules changes. Just a bunch of designers commentary clarifying how some rules work.

Kharadron Overlords Designers Commentary

kharadron skyvessel faqIt looks like a majority of the confusion for the Kharadron Overlords came from the Skyvessels. From questions for units inside Skyvessels, to vision, and even rules on the warscroll, these have all been answered by the GW rules design team. And honestly, they’re pretty straight forward.

kharadron skyvessel faq 2Be sure to read up on all the rules for the Skyvessels as this was definitely the area where most players had questions. However, there were a few other cloudy areas within the Battletome covered on the FAQ page so be sure to check that out a bit deeper as well! 

With the two latest factions to hit AoS now covered, it seems like the Kharadron Overlords faction was a bit more streamlined than the Disciples of Tzeentch. Mainly because there weren’t any hard changes to the rules just yet…just clarifications.

After looking at the latest update, what in your list has changed? Will you be swapping your strategy now? 

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