Unit Previews For Beasts of Chaos Stampede In!

By Wesley Floyd | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

minotaur beast of chaos warhammer

The latest preview for Beast of Chaos for Age of Sigmar is here. Let’s check out even more of what these hordes will be getting on the tabletop.

Warhammer Community gave us the second preview of what this faction will be bringing to the game. We’ve already seen the new model and its rules on top of their Allegiance rules. So with that being said, what could be next?

Unit Previews For Beasts of Chaos Stampede In!


bestigor Unit Previews For Beasts of Chaos Stampede In!

bestigor rules

Bestigors really like to go fast and punch things. Preferably things with the ORDER Keyword. They’ll be getting +1 to hit, rerolling 1’s and +1 attack if they charged something like Stormcast Eternals for example. Use this unit as a shock troop, smash into things and tie it up if you don’t outright swallow it whole.



ghorgons rules

Ghorgons are about the size of a Knight in 40k. The best part aside from the size of these creatures is that once you’re done smashing a poor unit into a pulp, you can eat something like a character. You only have to beat their wounds characteristics.  GULP.



gargants rules

The whipping rule is something very similar to the Khorne faction. But look at the payoff for this ability. You suffer one mortal wound to get an extra attack. If you couldn’t guess from the way the model looks, these guys hit HARD.

Dragon Ogors & Ogor Shaggoths

ogor shaggoth

ogor shagoth

Dragon Ogors have been around since the earliest days of creation. It only fits that they should be pretty good at combat. They’ve been updated to hit on 3’s now.

dragon ogor shaggoth rules

As for Dragon Ogor Shaggoths, they’ll be getting a spell called Sundering Blades It basically increases the rend by one. Add this to the Herdstone’s ability to reduce enemy armor by one and you’ll be chewing through enemy lines.



bullgors rules

AoS is known for its easily spammable mortal wounds. Bullgors are just one of those units that can dish out unblockable pain. They’re the medium-sized wrecking balls of the Beastmen ranks.



centigor rules

The Four-legged version of the Bullgor can drink their hearts out in the heat of battle. Rest assured wherever this beast goes, chaos will be right behind it.

Great Bray-Shamans

bray shaman

bray shaman rules

Bray-Shamans are the on-foot wizards of the Beastmen. They are the bread to the butter. The unit that has some great value and is also relatively cheap.

Tendrils of Agony is just another way to make your opponent’s life more difficult. You can decrease the saving rolls for an enemy unit close by. Since we’ve started this preview, we have THREE total ways to decrease the armor save of the enemy by one. If you really need something dead, you can always just melt it’s armor.

Savage Dominion basically lets you take over an enemy monster and have it hurl itself into the ranks of its own men. It also has a cheap casting cost. It’s only situational because your opponent may not take any monsters.

Tzaangor Enlightened

tzaangor enlightened

Remember Tzaangor Enlightened? Remember how you can field them on foot and leave their discs free for cool conversions?* Well, now they cost fewer points on foot – making them a pretty nifty little option!

We have two full previews under our belt now for the Beastmen in AoS 2.0. They are looking to be a fast, hard-hitting wrecking ball army that could care less about what your saving throw is. Less-mobile armies will be getting swallowed whole under the fur and muscle this army has to offer.

What do you think about the Beastmen previews? Will you be starting your own Beastmen army? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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