What To Buy Next: Playing Stormcasts Age of Sigmar

By Tim Roberts | July 10th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

What To Buy Next: Playing Stormcasts Age of Sigmar

What should you buy next? Come and take a look at the Age of Sigmar 2.0 second edition wave two kits for the Stormcast Eternals, unboxed and reviewed!

Come and get a sneak peek of all the new goodies for the Stormcast Eternals as the Hammers of Sigmar rain true in AoS 2.0. We take a look at the new minis, dice, cards, and books that make up the wave two releases from GW, and give you our thoughts so you can figure out your next addition to your Stormcast army.

Play Age of Sigmar Stormcast: What To Buy Next

Play Age of Sigmar Stormcast: What To Buy Next

Up first is the new Stormcast Dice. Though not the best quality dice you can purchase for your AoS game, these dice performed better than the Nighthaunt dice from the same release.

Play Age of Sigmar Stormcast: What To Buy Next

The new Stormcast Warscroll Cards are a massive set featuring all the new rules for every unit available to the faction since the release of the first starter box for Age of Sigmar. They look great in their new retro styling and horizontal “landscape” layout. Also included in the set are two sheets of tokens for your army and the new Endless Spells Warscrolls that are also in this wave of releases.

Play Age of Sigmar Stormcast: What To Buy Next

Rob takes the time to go over in detail each new miniature in the release. From instructions to sprue, you can see what to expect if you decide to make that purchase with tips on how to assemble your new models.

Play Age of Sigmar Stormcast: What To Buy Next

We also get a peek into this massive tome of rules, miniatures, and magic as Rob goes over a few of the new Allegiance Abilities, Battle Traits, and Warscroll Batalloins.

Make sure you watch our Play Age of Sigmar Stormcast: What To Buy Next video below so you can be prepared when it comes time to make your next Stormcast Eternal purchases.