Worth The Money? AoS Army Bundles REVIEW

By Juan Lopez | October 3rd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar

Firestorm Bundles Post

The Firestorm Campaign has begun and three new themed Army Bundles have been released to get veterans and new players alike to jump in and save some cash!

The Firestorm Campaign will have you waging battle across the Flamescar Plateau, seeking to unearth relics and priceless artifacts. There is also a weapon of supreme destructive power that is being sought after by every army in the Mortal Realms. If you are looking to jump into Firestorm or Age of Sigmar, then one of these themed Army Bundles may be just the thing you need to get started. The bundles include the forces from three great cities: Hammerhal, Anvilgard, and Tempest’s Eye.

Here is a sample of our quick and dirty review to give you the lowdown on what you can expect to save with these bundles.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

Firestorm Army Bundles

One thing you will notice right away is that these bundles contain armies that show where the lore is going in terms of Firestorm. The armies are mixed, with Stormcast forming the constant force found in each bundle. What changes are the forces that fight alongside them. Hammerhal will have Stormcast and Free Peoples; Anvilgard will have Stormcast and Dark Aelves; and Tempest Eye has Stormcast and Duardin. each army bundle will run cost $170 but the savings you get is well worth the price. Let’s break down the bundle prices:

Warriors of the Great Cities: Anvilgard

  • Knight-Vexillor: $30
  • x2 sets of Judicators: $62
  • Scourgerunner Chariot: $40
  • Black Ark Fleetmaster: $20
  • War Hydra: $65
  • x2 Black Ark Corsairs: $49.50
  • $266 = ~36% OFF

Warriors of the Great Cities: Tempest’s Eye

  • Lord-Castellant: $40
  • Prosecutors: $74
  • Tempest Lord Upgrades: $12
  • Gyrocopter: $48
  • Warden King: $21
  • x2 sets of Irondrakes: $100
  • $295 = ~43% OFF

Warriors of the Great Cities: Hammerhal

  • Lord-Castellant: $40
  • Liberators: $62
  • Free Guild Guard: $24.75
  • Free Guild Handgunners: $24.75
  • Demigryph Knights: $54.50
  • Celestial Hurricanum: $53.75
  • $259 = ~35% OFF

Firestorm Army shot

These Army Bundles are a great deal, especially the Tempest’s Eye bundle. Add to that the store discounts that can range from 5% to 15% and you tack even more savings. Now, our very own Rob Baer doesn’t go into great detail of each sprue per box since all the units included have been reviewed previously. To see those reviews, be sure to search through our Spikey Bits Youtube.

Warriors of the Great Cities: Anvilgard: $170


Anvilgard is a heavily fortified port city that borders the sweltering jungle of the Charrwind Coast, first founded under the direction of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer. Surrounding Anvilgard on all sides is a dense, sprawling jungle encircled by a series of active volcanoes – the Order Draconis ride out into this wilderness every day, testing themselves against the ferocious monsters that populate the area.

Represent the city of Anvilgard in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm campaign quickly and easily with this set of 34 plastic miniatures, designed to represent the forces of Order that live there. Included:

– A Knight-Vexillor: carrying a warhammer and meteoric standard, he features incredibly intricate armour;
– 2 sets of Judicators: 10 models in total, with skybolt bows, boltstorm crossbows, shockbolt and thunderbolt bows included, as well as 24 variant heads;
– A Scourgerunner Chariot, drawn by 2 dark steeds and holding 7 harpoons – their Beastmaster crew can carry a spear or ravager harpoon;
– A Black Ark Fleetmaster, who comes armed with a black ark cutlass and murder hook;
– A War Hydra, 6 headed monster (each head unique) with 2 Beastmaster Handlers, who carry cruel goads and whips – this kit can optionally be assembled as a Kharibdyss;
– 2 sets of Black Ark Corsairs – 20 models in total, armed with vicious blades, wicked cutlasses and repeater handblows.

Also included is an Allegiance Ability rulesheet for armies from Anvilgard, as found in the Firestorm book, and 2 Stormcast Eternals transfer sheets.

Warriors of the Great Cities: Tempest’s Eye: $170


Tempest’s Eye is a city carved out of the rock of the gigantic Titanspear Mountain, a multi-level metropolis linked together by winch-lifts and cable carriages. The enemies of Order long ago learned to fear the warriors of the Aetherguard, who call Tempest’s Eye their home; as do the Tempest Lords, noble heroes who rule with stern benevolence.

Represent the city of Tempest’s Eye in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm campaign quickly and easily with this set of 30 plastic miniatures, designed to represent the forces of Order that live there. Included:

– 1 Lord-Castellant: armed with a Castellant’s halberd and clutching a warding lantern, he comes with a loyal Gryph-hound;
– A set of Prosecutors: 6 models in total, which can be armed with either celestial hammers or stormcall javelins and sigmarite shield.
– A set of Tempest Lords Upgrades: used to upgrade the Prosecutors to represent the Tempest Lords Warrior Chamber, this set comprises Five Liberator Kite shields, Three Prosecutor Round shields, Eight Standard pauldrons, Six Paladin pauldrons and Five Paladin tilting plates;
– 1 Gyrocopter: complete with 4 different ancestor seals and 4 pilot options, this kit can also be optionally assembled as a Gyrobomber;
– 1 Warden King: standing atop an oath stone, he is armed with a rune weapon and ancestor shield;
– 2 sets of Irondrakes: 20 modes in total, these are armed with drakeguns, with their Ironwardens carrying a choice of drakegun, grudgehammer torpedo, a brace of drakefire pistols or a pistol and a cinderblast bomb.

Errata: please download the updated Tempest’s Eye Allegiance Ability PDF from the tab on the right. This update supersedes the Allegiance Ability provided with this product.

Warriors of the Great Cities: Hammerhal: $170


The Twin-tailed City – a sprawling metropolis that stretches from the ashen plain of Aqshy to the fecund jungles of Ghyran, Hammerhal was founded upon the victories achieved in the Realmgate Wars. Though the forces of ruin and disorder have long sought to despoil this wondrous testament to the will of the God-King, the Twin-tailed City has endured, and only grows in might with every passing season.

Represent the city of Hammerhal in a Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Firestorm campaign quickly and easily with this set of 38 plastic miniatures, designed to represent the forces of Order that live there. Included:

– 1 Lord-Castellant: armed with a Castellant’s halberd and clutching a warding lantern, he comes with a loyal Gryph-hound;
– 1 set of Liberators: 10 models, each with the option of 4 different weapon configurations – warhammer and sigmarite shield, two warhammers, warblade and sigmarite shield or two warblades – and two each of these heavy weapon options – grandhammer and grandblade;
– 1 set of Freeguild Guard: 10 models which can be armed with spears, halberds or swords;
– 1 set of Freeguild Handgunners: 10 models which can alternately be assembled as Crossbowmen;
– 1 set of Demigryph Knights: 3 models, armed with lances and swords or cavalry halberds;
– 1 Celestial Hurricanum: an elaborate horse-drawn carriage, covered in arcane symbolism, which includes a Celestial Battlemage on foot and can optionally be built as a Luminark of Hysh.

Also included is an Allegiance Ability rulesheet for armies from Hammerhal, as found in the Firestorm book, and 2 Stormcast Eternals transfer sheets.

The Firestorm Army Bundles are available now online and in local Games Workshop stores. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty unboxing and review video below for the full review.

For more on the Firestorm Army Bundles and all things Age of Sigmar, visit Games Workshop!