Fast & Easy Way to Paint up 100’s of Ork Models

By Drago | October 24th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Orks

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Orks can be daunting to paint since there are so many of them on the table, but we got you covered on how to paint your Green Tide up fast and easy.

Jack of Clubs Painting has some great tutorials on YouTube that go over how to get your miniatures looking fantastic with the airbrush.

His latest tutorial is for all you Ork players out there on how to get your army looking fantastic and ready for tournaments!

Fast & Easy Way to Paint up 100’s of Ork Models

ork full joc Fast & Easy Way to Paint up 100's of Ork Models

First, prime the model with Stynlrez Black primer. Then, use P3 Coal Black to apply a base coat on the armor, allowing to dry completely. Next apply some Vallejo Game Color Sombre Grey to highlight the bright areas of the armor, creating contrast on the black armor.

ork full skin joc

With Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy BlackGreen, brush in the skin tones. Since there is not much of the skin exposed, using a brush is easier to base coat them and avoid some costly overspray. Next, airbrush P3 Necrotite Green over the bright parts of the skin as target highlights.

ork full shirt joc

Brush Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Brown onto the shirt and cloth parts of the model, providing contrast between the blacks and greens to help the model stand out. Then switch to Secret Weapon Handle Wood to streak in highlights on the edge and apply texture.

Use Vallejo Model Color Buff to highlight that texture, making the shirt more tattered in appearance. Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Sienna is used to block in the leather straps and belts. Highlight the leather with Heavy Brown. Vallejo Model Color Buff is used to basecoat the teeth, with Model Color Ivory as a highlight. Lastly, grab some Heavy Red by Vallejo to base coat the belt buckle.

orc full detail joc

Brush Scale75 Black Metal onto all metal pieces, including shoulder trim, sword, and spikes. Then block Scale75 Decayed Metal into all spots that will be brass, rather than silver, to help break up the colors a little. Edge the armor pieces with Sombre Grey by Vallejo, picking out the details.

These steps give a great start to any orc for the table. Next, applying weathering and washes to give more detail and character to each Ork. To see how these steps are done in real time, be sure to press play on the video below!

For more Jack of Clubs tutorials, check out his channel on YouTube, and you can also catch Jack of Clubs on Twitch four nights a week.

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