Another Way to Paint Yellows You Have To See – Tutorial


Yo dawgs, I’m coming in hot with some fresh hobby technique to get your yellows smoking hot! Come check it out today’s tutorial.

We’ve done yellow before, however, there’s a million ways to paint any color and I want to show you another.


For this model we’re going to start off with Army Painter spray paint and then slowly but surely massage those colors to a popping orange shade.


We’re going to be using a variety of oranges and yellows to make some super fresh Transitions.


Also, you’ll want an airbrush to follow this tutorial however; the color scheme can be easily adapted to your models. You don’t need an airbrush, just like you don’t need a power drill, but it sure as heck makes things a lot easier.


You’re going to want to the hit the link to unlock the hobby freshness.