Agile and Deadly- Forge World Phantom!

By Rob Baer | February 12th, 2012 | Categories: Apocalypse 40k, Army of One, Eldar, Forge World, Warhammer 40k News

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I’ve done or amazing figures I’ve seen around.

If you click on the Army of One label you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.

Today we take a look at one highest profile Forge World kits our there- The Eldar Phantom Titan! This thing easily towers over all other models on the battlefield, baring one of its own kind.

This modern day resin marvel was spotted at the “Big Game” during Feast of Blades, and is reported owned by Farseer Chandler.  Lets take a closer look! -Enjoy MBG

 Check out the “baby” Revenant Titan off in the distance to the left. 

 So many targets, so little time…
Who’s a big boi?
Don’t forget Feast of Blades is coming up in November. Many states have been added to hold qualifiers. Check the FoB site here for more infos.

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