Apocalypse NOW – Damocles in December

By Rob Baer | December 9th, 2014 | Categories: Apocalypse 40k

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It’s getting cold outside, time to warm up by playing some APOCALYPSE!

If you live in the VA-DC-MD area, you may want to checkout the big Apocalypse game that the Games Workshop Bowie Battle Bunker is having this Saturday!


Decembercles! Apocalypse Event

Starts at 12 noon, so stop by and say hi to me, meet Kevin the new store manager, AND pickup your fresh new copy of the Blood Angels Codex!

I’m only bringing three models. If you can figure out what they are from the clues below I got a set of sweet objective markers to send you.

Two of the models are the same, and when added together are 700 points less than the other (third) model. The total points costs for all three models is 4300!

See you then! -MBG