Apocalypse World Wide Big Game IV March 15th

By Rob Baer | March 8th, 2014 | Categories: Apocalypse 40k

Come one come all the FTW Games‘ (The Home of Spikey Bits) 40k Apocalypse Event, Saturday March 15th at 10 AM.

The Apocalypse Big Game IV is the same day, and we’ll be playing contributing to one of the largest games of 40k in the world!

The new Apocalypse rules are NOW, and they are better than ever!

Bring your biggest and best Apocalypse Formation or Lord of War model plus 1000 points of your normal army to play in this event.

General Information

Entrance Fee: FREE 
Starts 10AM
1000 points plus any Apocalypse Formation or Lord of War model totaling 1,500 Points or less (for a total of 2,500 points on the table per person)

If you don’t have enough stuff or you don’t have any super heavies come by anyways. 

We will have tons of BIG painted stuff to play with! 

We also plan on having a slew of Chaos and Eldar Super-Heavies on hand for players to use as well! 

Be sure to bone up on the Apocalypse rules, or learn that day with everyone else. This event usually turns into fielding big things, and watching them EXPLODE!

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