Enter to Win a Knight Titan – Armies on Parade

By Rob Baer | August 3rd, 2015 | Categories: Armies on Parade


The Armies on Parade competition is back – Come see the details of how to get YOUR army seen by millions!

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Games Workshop’s running the Armies on Parade contest again this year, but don’t let that stop you from showing off your army to more than just your game club!

(pictured above Evan “Captain” Guthmiller Avengers Space Marine army)


Space Marine Airbase by Dave at GW Bowie (pic by Brass Scorpion)

Now since GW doesn’t really post up pictures of the armies in general (remember this is all happening at their 1-man stores), and there seems to be far more hobbyists out there that just don’t go to GW store – I figured we’d let YOU all decide what army you think is the best, world-wide.

spikey bits logo

We’ve been running an Armies on Parade segment for over six years on here (featuring nearly 700 armies), and it’s been a blast.

So to enter the Spikey Bits Armies on Parade contest, all you have to do is post a few images of your army all set up on it’s 2′ by 2′ display board, and maybe a few close ups shots if you want, in the special forum we’ve set up for it here – Spikey Bits’ Armies on Parade.

Deadline for judging will be around Halloween this year, and we’ll announce the overall winners and a few runners up. 

Please post the both your name, and the name of your army, your location, and any extra details about it that you’re excited about!


First place will receive a plastic Knight Titan from the Spikey Bits Prize Vault, and the runners up will received a Spikey Bits /Long War prize pack!

Good luck to everyone!

Spikey Bits Armies on Parade

(obviously Spikey Bits and Games Workshop are not, nor have ever been affiliated; Armies on Parade in-store contest all rights reserved to GW)