Sisters of Fenris & Emperor’s Light: LVO Army Showcase

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The Sisters of Fenris have teamed up with some jacked Space Wolves to bring the Emperor’s wrath down on the Traitors at 2019’s LVO.

Spotted at 2019’s Las Vegas Open, this army was turning heads! Check out this unlikely duo of factions fighting for the same cause.

LVO 2019

Sisters Of Fenris Spreading the Emperor’s Light: LVO Army Showcase

We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If this is your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us:

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These Sisters linked arms with the Space Wolves and marched forward from Fenris bringing the Emperor’s light to anyone in their path. Let’s get a closer look at the details in the force!

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These Sisters clad in red are still made out of the metal models we currently only have expensive access to. While the community waits for the new plastic models to hit, we can still admire the detail in these old masterpieces.

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Looking at a converted Sister of Silence, she’s one-handing a Heavy Bolter combi-flamer and telling her squadmates to fight harder.

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Looking at the Space Wolves getting a slice of the melee action, a few went shirtless. It turns out armor can be pretty restrictive when you get about 300 hammer blows into combat.

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As for one of the coolest Space Wolf models we’ve seen. This guy is a converted Primaris Aggressor or Gravis obviously holding an HQ’s slot in the army. He looks like he’s seen a few good scraps in the past and lived to tell the tale.

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To add a little backbone to the army, a couple of Dreadnoughts hit the field. This converted up Contemptor has a blizzard shield and axe to par.

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And last but not least, the classic Storm Cannon Leviathan was spotted with some crazy detail loaded onto his model. Between the heated barrel effect and Fenrisian war liturgies on his chest, he was a real problem for the enemy to deal with in-game.

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This list did a great job at combining two unlikely forces under the same faction. From the Religious zealotry of the Sisters to unrelenting thirst for melee on the Space Wolves side, this list really gave a one-two punch for opponents on the tabletop. Great job!

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