This Grey Knights Army is Full of Conversions: LVO Showcase

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Grey Knights have had enough of the Daemons entering into reality. Take a look at this dynamic army that utterly crushes the denizens of the Warp!

The 2019 Las Vegas Open was home to a plethora of unique armies where even the smallest models had over the top detail.

LVO 2019

Kicking off some of the top armies from the event are the Grey Knights! Yes, they’ve had a hard time in 8th edition rules-wise but that doesn’t mean their models aren’t incredible!

This army was brought to us by Team Second Founding:

Grey Knights to the Slaughter

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This elite army has had enough of these Daemons! Following the usual Grey Knight list, it looks like there’s three Grand Masters in Dread Knights and a simple Battalion of dudes for easy CP. The color scheme to the army is crisp with the blue glow from their power weapons making everything pop.

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What makes this army really stand out from the crowd is that each one of these models has some kind of conversion to them. You can see this gentleman of a Grand Master is trying to return an axe that a Bloodthirster “lost” in battle.

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Crushing one Daemon underfoot while shield-bashing another is one way to inspire your men!

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You’ve seen it in the movies. But it turns out that Spartan kicks are a great way to get Daemons out of your face.

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Daemon Princes may be badass, but they can still be choke slammed into the ground if they aren’t careful.

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Looking at the last Dreadknight, there’s a couple of Screamers trying to save their friend from being squished into a Warpy-pulp in the name of the Emperor.

This army could only belong to a diehard Grey Knights fan. Especially with all of the NERFs, they’ve gotten in 8th edition. These guys still had the spirit to roll these guys out and dominate the creativity aspect of the game!

All in all, this army gives off the feeling that every single model is a “character” in their own right. They’ve got dynamic poses and are showing off the right way to kill a filthy Daemon.

What do you think about this army’s conversions?  Which Daemon faction do you hate the most! Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.