Warhammer Army Lists

dark eldar best warahmmer 40k army list meta

It’s been a few weeks since the Blood Angels codex came out, and well I’m still reeling with how to deal with them. The main problems are that they close way to quick with my battle line, whether its 18″ rhinos or podding/ deep striking, and I cant shake them off quick enough.  So in […]

Read More | April 27th, 2010

MBG back again with my Blood Angels Playtest Game 3 Video. This time though it’s different- I’m running the Blood Angels, and Travis is playing Orks. Can you say Ghaz vs. Mephiston??!! I also have switched up the list, turning it more into a drop/ aggro assault army then the mech version I was running […]

Read More | April 21st, 2010

This was the third rewrite of my Blood Angels list. I kinda did it on the fly too, and made some mistakes, BUT I knew I wanted to play around with Mephiston. As TPM Blood Angel pointed out Mephiston is a Death Star, able to kill with realitive ease most units in the game.  However […]

Read More | April 20th, 2010

Just two days to go till the Gladiator Tourney at Adepticon for some fun times and good battles. I just finalized my list and I have to say I’m pretty happy with it.  I’m not taking any Super-Heavies, but I think I have plenty of firepower to deal with them- ten Lascannons, and 2 Maticores […]

Read More | March 24th, 2010

I played in a 2500 ‘Ard Boyz Tourney over the weekend at Groovy Geckos Comic and Games in Williamsburg, VA.  It’s a pretty cool store, and has a new owner now who is very motivated and cool to be around.  If you are ever on vacation in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia (Yorktown, Norfolk, […]

Read More | March 15th, 2010

Well I’m still brainstorming over the new orks since the drop of the FAQ a few days ago.  I’ve heard good things about burna drive-bys so I thought I’d work up a super aggro list.  While I’m sure it will do fine against mech and marines, long range standoff may be its undoing. Again this […]

Read More | February 28th, 2010

Back a year or so ago I had a pretty good hybrid Battlewagon Nob Biker list going. Of course it worked good till the INAT game out and nerfed it. But now it’s back and with a few tweeks I think still competitive. The main tactic of the army is to either pincer with the […]

Read More | February 24th, 2010

I’m back with part two of my Tyranid play tests. I’ve learned a lot so far about these guys and how they work.  So far I’ve been working with the swarm mentality, but after these last games I’m beginning to think that some spores may be necessary to take down Mech lists that are designed […]

Read More | February 8th, 2010

So I had a chance to playtest my nids over the last week, and overall I’m very happy with their performance.  I’ve learned a lot and I think these guys really can do some damage to all comers, including Imperial Guard Mech. My first list variant went up against my Ork Mech Guard. You can […]

Read More | February 2nd, 2010

Well I’m putting the finishing touches on my Ork Guard army and getting ready to to battle this weekend in the Cabin Fever ’10 GT.  This event is put on by Rich Ditzler of Adventurers Guild Gaming in Harrisburg, PA.  For those of you that don’t know Rich, he is both a great guy and […]

Read More | January 28th, 2010

Here is my current 1850 Imperial Guard Army List. This is a pretty competitive list and won’t make you a lot of friends in casual play. I took the Pysker Battle Squad out because I feel the Psyhic Hood is a better buy for the rise of Tyranid powers and proof against the standard threats […]

Read More | March 27th, 2020

Well I just got back from the Mechanicon GT ’09. I ended up taking best overall in 5 grueling games against some very good opponents. The GT was great with a lot of tough missions and amazing terrain. The great Jawaballs was in attendance with his Blood Angels, but unfortunately we did not get a […]

Read More | November 17th, 2009

Warhammer 40k Tournament Army Lists

Leagues of Votann codex

Building Warhammer 40k army lists is one of the game’s most interesting and fun parts, as there is much variety, and you can make something unique!

Every faction has a lot of variety and excellent units, which makes building lists fun and sometimes confusing. Whether you want to build a list to have a fun army or create something that will win a tournament, you must understand what your army does and the game’s mechanics.

If you’re new to building army lists and want ideas on making yours, Check out all these recent tournament lists that have been fairing well or are just really thematic to play.

How To Build a Warhammer 40k Army

Every army has some special rules, but there are a few key features to consider when creating your list.

  • Point Values. The average game of 40k is made optimally for 2,000 points; this is what most tournaments and events are made for. Obviously, if you don’t have that many minis, you can easily play smaller games, as they will take less time, be easier to learn the rules, and get some minis on the table. With that in mind, though, if you’re looking for the actual 40k experience, try to aim for 2,000 points.
  • What kind of game are you playing? This makes a huge difference. Are you trying to win a tournament or have a game with your friends on the weekend? You should first decide whether you want to go all out with the best possible units or pick what you think will be fun. If you’re playing a weekend game, pick fun units, roll dice, and see how they do on the tabletop. If you’re planning on playing a tournament, you need an actual game plan for what you want your army to do and how you will actually score points and win games.
  • Maybe the most important, what minis do you have? Sometimes building a list is as simple as, what minis do I have for this army? If you have to field every single model you need to reach the point limit, it doesn’t matter much about what you want to make; you have to use what you have. These games are great for a newer army, as you see what performs well and what models you should buy next. Playing games as you go; that way, you can decide what to spend your hard-earned hobby dollars on with some actual info instead of just guessing.

world eaters army

  • Identifying a theme and key units. When building a list, you want to decide on the theme. Are you going to go for an MSU (multiple small units) style, are you going for a heavy shooting army, or do you want to charge headlong into close combat? Doing this one step will immediately start narrowing down what units you want to include. After you have the theme, pick what units are essential to your army (maybe you want a ton of bikers). Once you have them picked out, the core of your army will be built, and you can start making the rest of your list around that theme and those units.
  • Pick the best detachments for your army. Once you have picked your critical units and theme, you must find out the best type of detachments your army will fit into. Remember that certain detachments take up CP, so try to fit your army into the best detachments that will keep that precious CP.
  • Play your list a lot! The only real way to understand how your army list is doing is by playing a decent number of games with it. Just one game is not a great measure of how your list did. So, play a few games and make small changes as you go. If you make tons of changes, you won’t know what did well and what didn’t. The more you play, the more your innately understand how to build lists and what units do!

What Are The Current Warhammer 40k Armies:

Space Marines Battleforces 9Here is the list of all the releases for factions and codexes for Warhammer 40k:

There are currently 34 factions from GW, which includes many of the Space Chapters, as they have a separate supplement book. However, there are lesser-known Marine Chapters out there that have smaller rule sets in White Dwarfs.

Space Marines BattleforcesSpace Marines are by far the most popular army in Warhammer 40k. They have a lot of different chapters people can pick from, a huge number of minis, and a lot of lore. GW generally tries to keep Space Marines as a balanced army that is easy to pick up for beginners and has enough strategy for veterans.