Top 5 Fleet Lists – Star Wars Armada, Store Champs Season


Hello again Armada fanatics! We have the latest results for the current Top 5 Armada lists according to Mini Ranker. Come see the new Wave II fleets!

The meta has definitely been shaken up and it is interesting to see new builds come back out on top!


Number 1

MC30c Scout Frigate – Mon Mothma + Foresight + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits
MC30c Torpedo Frigate – Ordnance Experts
CR90 Corvette A – Jainas Light + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits
CR90 Corvette A – Turbolaser Reroute Circuits x2
YT‑2400 x4

This list is all about death from afar. With Mon Mothma as the fleet admiral, all of your ships will be safe from incoming fire while using your evades at long and medium range. Turbolaser Reroutes have been the new favorite for Corvettes and the MC30 as they both have redundant evades to use to flip a red die to a crit or double hit. The Foresight + Mon Mothma combo allows you to evade up to 2 enemy dice at long and medium range! That MC30 that you thought was a shrimp just got a lot harder to take out. YT-2400s are a great ship to have as your squadrons as they benefit from the Rogue special ability to move and shoot any bomber threats you may face.


Number 2

Victory I‑class Star Destroyer – Wulff Yularen + Admiral Motti + Flight Controllers + Boosted Comms + Assault Proton Torpedoes
Gladiator I‑class Star Destroyer – Assault Concussion Missiles + Engineering Team + Demolisher + Ordnance Experts
Major Rhymer; “Mauler” Mithel; JumpMaster 5000; TIE Advanced Squadron; TIE Bomber Squadron x2; TIE Fighter Squadron x3

Although this list is at the 300 level, it still has some bite to it. A massive swarm of squadrons is joined by a Victory I carrier with Boosted Comms and Flight Controllers, which add to their ruthlessness. You also have the ever popular Demolisher kitted out for maximum damage, and a bit of a fail safe in the form of Engineering Team. This list is all about getting in your face and dishing out the hurt.


Number 3

Imperial II‑class Star Destroyer – Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + Admiral Motti + Intel Officer + Leading Shots + XI7 Turbolasers + Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams
Imperial II‑class Star Destroyer – Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + Intel Officer + Leading Shots
Bossk; IG‑88; Dengar

The double ISD list with the bounty hunter cover. These massive ships are made all the more terrifying with Admiral Motti at the helm, giving them 14 hull each! No ship can withstand their firepower for long, as these ships will most likely be flying together in a tight formation. Any bomber fleet that dares get near will be intercepted by the galaxies most infamous bounty hunters.


Number 4

Imperial II‑class Star Destroyer – Gunnery Team + Leading Shots + XI7 Turbolasers + Avenger + Admiral Ozzel;
Gladiator I‑class Star Destroyer – Demolisher + Assault Proton Torpedoes + Ordnance Experts;
Gladiator I‑class Star Destroyer – Assault Proton Torpedoes + Ordnance Experts x2;
“Howlrunner”; TIE Interceptor Squadron; TIE Fighter Squadron x2

This list boasts a Gladiator swarm with an Avenger follow up that should leave some devastating results. Admiral Ozzel ensures that each Gladiator will have the right maneuvers to be in the position to ensure maximum damage, and if the Avenger is the last ship to activate, the enemy will not be able to use their exhausted defense tokens resulting from the barrage of Gladiator fire. A one-two punch combo! Howlrunner is joined by a small contingent of TIE Interceptors and TIE fighters to ensure that no bombers get near the capital ships.


Number 5

Assault Frigate Mark II B – General Dodonna + Electronic Countermeasures + Intel Officer + Turbolaser Reroute Circuits
Assault Frigate Mark II B – Electronic Countermeasures + Gunnery Team + XI7 Turbolasers
Nebulon‑B Support Refit – Salvation
CR90 Corvette A – Jainas Light + Turbolaser Reroute

This list has a little of everything in it. 2 Assault Frigate are available to form a conga line of broadsides while Jaina’s Light Corvette is allowed to harass the enemy at range and hopefully hunt for objectives. The Nebulon B is a ship that has fallen to the wayside since the release of Wave 2 and it is always nice to see it in lists nowadays. The Salvation title allows it to get them most bang for its buck with its red dice.

These are the latest results for the current top lists in Armada. Hopefully there will be more news soon about possible new ships coming in the future, but for now we are happy with how the game is developing. Until next time Armada admirals!